A change

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Avni entered their apartment quietly with Marshall. It was 2 in the morning. Avni had planned carefully to surprise Neil with their arrival. With difficulty, Avni placed the luggages inside and walked to their room. Neil was wrapped inside the blanket, sleeping like a baby. Avni placed a sleeping Marshall next to Neil and set beside him. She slowly lowered herself close to Neil, and softly kissed on his cheek. It wasn't enough to wake him up, making Avni repeat. Neil slowly opened his eyes and jumped up in the next instant. "Woah!" "Shh.. it's me, Haha." Avni said softly, trying to control her laughter. "Avni?! How.." he tried to say. "We just thought of surprising you." She shrugged. Neil relaxed a bit. "But you answered when I called." "We were in Qatar airport at then, on our transit!" Avni laughed again. Neil brought her in his arms and captured her lips. Avni kissed him back softly. "I've missed you so badly.." Neil said nuzzling on her earlobe. Avni caressed on his hair. "Where's Marshi!?" Neil Exclaimed. "Hush! He'd wake up." Avni said softly, gesturing towards Marshall. Neil turned around, to look over. His heart filled up with love, with the sight of his son. "Please let me?" Neil looked at Avni, who nodded in return. He quickly brought Marshall into his arms, squishing him. Neil kissed each inch of the baby face, Marshall didn't even bother to wake up. Avni laughed softly. "Looks like he's badly jet lagged. Can you move him to the nursery? I'll take a shower and come." With that, she left to the shower.

Marshall was still on their bed when Avni came out. She was sure Neil heard her. Avni didn't mind it, she changed Marshall's diaper and fed him a bottle of milk. "Now he'd sleep more comfortably!" Avni Said, getting up with Marshall. "Avni, No!"Avni was stunned, as Neil grabbed her hand. "Why? You want to keep him here?" Avni thought maybe Neil wanted Marshall in their room, as he have been away for long. "N..No. um, Juhi is sleeping in Marshall's nursery.." Avni's eyes widened. Juhi? Here? Neil only mentioned about her parole, but... he brought her home? Avni shook her head a bit. No, maybe I should not complain. Or else it might turn up like what happened previously. "Ohh.. okay." Avni tried to pull off a little smile. She moved Marshall's bassinet next to their bed and placed him in. But she does not intend to sleep now. She won't be able to sleep. An unknown chaos had invaded her mind and heart. "Get some sleep. I'll unpack some, so that it would be easier in morning." She said to Neil. "Why do I feel that's an excuse?" Neil said, sitting next to Avni. She didn't know how to respond. Avni realized how well Neil knows her, after these few months. Neil then took her hand into his, Avni looked at him. "Avni, I know you feel insecure. It's reasonable too. And I should have asked you as well. But she got out of jail today, and I couldn't get time to arrange an accommodation for her.." Neil lifted up his head to look at Avni. His heart stopped for a while when he saw a tear rolling down her cheek. "Avni!" Neil couldn't say further as Avni hugged him tightly! "Please promise me you'd never doubt on me because of Juhi. Promise that you would always talk to me first before jumping into conclusions. Please promise that you won't let anything like the last time get repeated? Cuz I would not be able to bare anything like that this time.. Marshall is here. I.. I would not be able to deal with any of it, I won't be able to stay strong.." She kept on saying. Neil tightened his arms around her, he realized how much scared she was! "Avni.. I promise that I wouldn't let any such things happen. Never again. I promise!" he took her face into his hands. "I love you so muchAvni! My life isn't of any value, without you and Marshall! I'll never even think of hurting you, ever again, I promise." He kissed on her now dampened cheeks, promising to himself to never let her go away.

Avni walked into Marshall's room the following morning, to collect some stuff. Juhi suddenly got up from bed, when she saw her. Avni gave a warm smile, "good morning!" Juhi greeted her back, with hesitation. Avni didn't know what else to say. She picked up some clothes and other stuff for Marshall. Avni gave a smile again before leaving the room.
Neil had to attend office urgently in the morning. So he wasn't around when Juhi came out. Marshall was sitting on his high chair. Avni was busy making unpacking some stuff, cleaning the kitchen cabinets simultaneously. "Marshi, do you want some custard baby?" She cooed to Marshall, while showing her back to him. Avni turned around when Marshall did not respond. He was staring at Juhi, as it was a new face for him. "Oh, he gives that look when he meets someone for the first time hehe." Juhi smiled back. "Come, have breakfast." Avni passed her the plate. "Sit.." she said again, when Juhi didn't move. "Um, Avni.." "Juhi, whatever happened before doesn't matter. I'm glad that you have realized your mistake and are trying to repent for it. We all should move on now and I don't want to talk about it. Not a tiny detail, yeah?" Avni said quickly, making Juhi more comfortable now.

Cousins of Avni was gathered up when Neil came home in the afternoon. "Evan!" He Exclaimed when he saw the guy sitting on the couch. "When did you come?! You too Mayera!" Neil gave a manly hug to Evan. "With Avni last night. She's really good at giving surprises, I hope you know that now haha. We're staying at Naany's place." Neil's smile widened as Mayera detailed about their two weeks trip. It will be fun for sure! Neil then turned around. He could see from the living room, Avni in kitchen, in a hearty conversation with Juhi, who was helping her out with food. How can someone be so down to earth.. despite all the chaos that took place, she just as one request. Just not to leave her. Never insisting to outset Juhi from their residence.. Neil smiled to himself, thanking from bottom of his heart, for blessing her with such a gem.
"This apartment is amazing man! The sea view from the balcony, for a penthouse house apartment on the 14th floor! I love this whole architecture. Like that closet/shoe rack just in front of the front door. Then you can directly walk into this little living room, you could see the kitchen from here, and the rooms too. I love how it's all furnished with white! Gives the place really a nice texture. So open and clean." Evan was really fond of the place. "Haha. I chose the apartment, Avni did the furnishing." Neil said proudly. "When did you guys move in?" "Just after Marshall. Oh I'll change and come, yeah?" Neil said, hurrying to their room. He have Avni a loving smile, while passing through. Marshall was sound asleep. It was his afternoon nap time, and Neil was sure he have gulped a good meal before going down.

Neil walked to his side of the bed and gently kissed on the forehead of Marshall, nuzzling on his skin

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Neil walked to his side of the bed and gently kissed on the forehead of Marshall, nuzzling on his skin. "Be down to earth like your Mommy, my son. She's the most kind, caring, brave and the strongest soul alive. Do you know how blessed we are, Little one?" Neil ran his fingers on the cheeks of Marshall. He was so glad that Avni was the mother of his son. No one, can ever show up, Whose Bette than her to be his wife! Neil again kissed on Marshall's chubby little cheeks.

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