Back together!

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She immediately unlocked and opened the door. "Should have hidden my face, but lost the zoro mask I kept with me, damn!" Neil grinned wide. "Neil.." Avni was so surprised that she couldnt put out the words easily. "Yes? Told you there's a surprise! Woaah!" He gasped as Avni jumped onto him for a tight hug. "I've missed you..." she mumbled to his skin, Neil's lips curved into a smile. "I missed you more." He moved out of the embrace and captured her lips. Avni kissed him back, with equal urgency and passion. "Hehe, we're still on our doorstep, baby." Neil muttered, as they broke apart for air. Avni laughed and let go off Neil, both moving inside hand in hand.
Avni headed to the kitchen, Neil was right behind her. His eyes darted to the corners of the apartment. The memories of them in there, made him nostalgic. Their initial days of parenthood was spent in this apartment. Those were moments etched to his heart. "You want a coffee?" Avni broke his chain of thoughts. "Add some milk, please. I would need sleep tonight.." Neil replied with a smile and headed to the Kid's room, which used to be Marshall's nursery. Sophia and Marshall was sound asleep in their respective beds. Marshall had his space themed blanket covered his head. Neil walked to him and dragged it a bit down, fearing that Marshall might suffocate himself. He brushed a strand of hair from Marshall's forehead, and kissed gently. Just then, Sophia mumbled something and Neil moved to her bed. She seemed more chubbier than before, Neil guessed her meal plan was in place now. Avni came in with Neil's mug. "How come they look like a year older within just two months?!" Neil couldnt help himself from asking. Avni grinned, "they havent grown an inch, Neil. Thats because you have been away." She sat beside him and handed over the mug. "And sadly I'll have to leave again.." Neil mumbled. Avni crooked an eyebrow, as she was more confused. "Hehe, I'm just here for a function on Sunday. Will have to leave again on Monday morning." He explained. "Ohh.." Avni's response was short. Her heart sank, as she had thought Neil would stay a little longer. "Hey i'll be back again, in about two weeks.." Neil kept the mug on the side table, moved closer to Avni and cupped her face. Avni sighed and hugged him, burying her face in Neil's chest. "You'll have to be strong, please. Or else this job is gonna be really hard for me.." Neil said, running his fingers through her hair. Avni did not respond.

The following day Neil stayed at home. He lounged around with the kids, while Avni cleaned the house and did other chores. She didnt sit still in one place ever since she woke up, making Neil realize how tough the past two months has been for her.
The afternoon breezes entered through the huge french windows of the apartment, swaying the white curtains and the wind-chime played a light music. Neil was lying down on the couch, Sophia on his lap. They were going through a book together. Marshall was at the kitchen counter, painting on a little canvas. Neil's eyes shifted from the book to Marshall, checking on him every now and then. He closed the book once it was over. "I love you, Daddy." Neil was a bit shocked when Sophia mumbled the words all of a sudden. His lips lifted up to a grin, "I love you more, baby." Sophia smiled and hugged Neil, burying her face in his chest. It didnt take long for her to drift into sleep. Neil carefully lifted Sophia and took her inside. Avni was coming down the stairs when he turned around, closing the door behind. "Sophie fell asleep. Must be a good time for a nap." Neil gave a warm smile. "Without lunch? And I was planning to go out after food." Avni commented, walking into the kitchen. Neil's mouth dropped open. "Aren't you tired after all the chores? Didnt even let me help." Avni laughed. "Walk into a women's shoe, mr. commissioner. Its much tougher than your job, but we are the best adjusters." Avni teased, setting up the table. Neil laughed and agreed. "Marshi! Do you wanna go and help Daddy pick up some clothes for tonight?" Marshall jumped up and down with excitement.

After lunch, Neil was helping Marshall dress up to go shopping with him. "Daddy.." "yeah?" Neil replied, putting a sock on Marshall. "Bebe said Mommy was very sick when I was born. So I was very tiny too.." Neil's heart skipped a beat with the sudden question. The curiosity in Marshall's eyes says that he really wanted to know. Neil let out a heavy sigh, trying find his voice. "Y-yes. Mommy was very sick at then. And Marshi was like a tiny little peanut. Because of which, you were kept in a nursery for a very long time.." he forced a little smile. Those are memories Neil never want to touch. The grief of the days still shakes his entire existence. "I know how babies are kept in nurseries. I saw pictures.. tinyy babies.. with many tubes around them.. will it hurt, daddy? Did it hurt me??" Marshall asked, curiously looking at Neil. Neil pulled Marshall into a tight hug! "No.. you were too brave. So so brave. You and mommy.. you both fought out of it!" Tears were rolling down Neil's cheek, which tensed up Marshall. "Why are you crying, Daddy? I'm all okay." Marshall said, wiping of the tears. "I wont ask you about it again until I'm big enough. Promise!" Marshall picked on to his ears and grinned wide. This made Neil laugh through the tears. "Sure. Now come on! We'll be late. Come on, come on.." Neil put Marshall on his feet. Wiped off the tears and took some deep breaths to relax himself. As he turned around to leave, he saw Avni standing at the doorway. The expressions said enough that she have heard the conversation. "Marshi, go and check and Sophie before we leave.." Neil told Marshall, to send him away for a while. Marshall nodded and headed to their room.
"Avni.." Neil murmured softly to Avni, who was sobbing loudly now. He gathered her in his arms. "Shh.. it was just a bad dream, love. Marshall is with us, and you are with me! Look.." he removed Avni's clutch on his shirt, moving her a bit away. "That was a very tough time, I agree. And god wills we are never to be faced with such a thing again. And even if we do... I'll always be with you. Right here." Neil talked as if he was convincing a toddler. Avni nodded and hugged him again. "..I love you." Neil heard her whisper, and wide smile appeared on his face. He kissed on the side of her face, burying his lips on her skin. 

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