Bun in the oven!

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"Avni, hurry up! we'll be late for the flight!" Neil knocked on the washroom door and called out for Avni. She have been in there for quiet sometime now. Neil waited for a few more minutes and was to knock again when the door opened. "Make a move soon, everyone's downstairs." Neil took his watch from the dresser, "I can't come, we won't be able to fly." Avni's words startled him. "What? Why not?" Neil asked. Avni did not reply. Her hands moved slowly and showed up the pregnancy kit on her hand. The two lines on it showed a positive result. Neil's jaw opened. "You.. are pregnant?" His words came out with breaks. Avni nodded her head. "We are expecting? Marsh.. is getting a sibling?" Neil kept on saying. He could not believe his eyes! "Avni!" With a swift move, Neil hugged Avni tightly! "Oh my god.. I can't even... I didn't even expect this! Thank you so much!!" Neil nuzzled on Avni's neck, breathing in her scent. He felt her hugging him back, which made Neil to squeeze her figure more into his arms. "Neil! Avni!" Sheet came in search of the two. "What are you both doing?! We are running late!" Shweta exclaimed. "Mom! Mom, come! Avni.. look! Avni's pregnant!" Neil took Sheet's hand and brought her in, showing her the kit. "What?" Sheet clapped a hand to her mouth. "What is taking you so long?" Bebe joined in. Neil dragged her to their room and gave her the news. "oh my! Avni!" She brought Avni into a tight embrace. "So you should not fly! Stay at home. Neil, and I'll stay here too." Bebe made a quick plan. "But Bebe.. No you'll have to go." Avni refused to Bebe's suggestion. "Kareena would be expecting to see you!" Neil also tried, thus it took a while to convince Bebe. "We'll take Marshall?" Shweta's question startled Avni. "what...?" was her immediate response. "Yeah. That way you'll be able to take a good rest." "But, no.. I-" "Avni, I think Shweta is right. We'll be back in a week, and by then you'll be back into normal routine." Bebe took Sheet's side. "No, Marshall won't come." Finally Neil spoke up. He saw Avni letting a breath out, which he bet she didn't realise of holding since forever. "But Neil-" "Mom, He's not even two years! Plus, neither of us can stay without him. No Mom, its my decision and thats final." Neil held up his hand gesturing that the argument won't continue. An unknown fear captured Avni's heartbeat, as she was sure that Shweta wasn't happy about it at all.

After getting the reports and after a quick lunch, Neil and Avni headed to Neela Ma's place, who returned back to India the night before. She was the happiest with the news! "I cant wait already! Avni!" She hugged Avni tightly. "I have no doubt you'd continue to be the best mother to your children, my love." Neil saw the smile on Avni disappearing with the sentence. They spent a few hours with Neela and headed home by Marshall's bedtime.

 Car rides always drives Marshall to sleep, so Avni always made sure to put his pyjama's on, if they are driving anytime around Marshall's bedtime. Neil removed the safety belt of Marshall's car seat and carried him inside. Avni was right behind him. Neil kept an eye on Avni, as they climbed up the stairs. "Lets sleep here tonight?" Avni asked, entering to Marshall's room. "-if you are fine with it." she added. Neil lowered Marshall to his bed and straightened his body. "I think you really are in a grave misunderstanding, and I want to clear it off before we start up this new chapter of added responsibilities." Neil's voice was calm, but his tone wasn't that harsh, nor any calmer. "Come, sit here." He took Avni's hand and seated her on the couch. "Avni.. did I ever forbid you from doing anything? Except for things which could be detrimental for you, or for us?" Avni shook her head. "Did I ever tell you that you are a bad mother to Marshall? no, right? So why are you assuming things? Avni, my Mom might have a different perspective of motherhood. They say not every two child is the same, right that way, not every two mothers are same either. I have always known the you never liked the criticisms towards your motherhood. No one does, to be honest. But if we are living in  a big family, it would be obvious, those things will show up. You just have to prove them wrong..." Avni stared at Neil, not even moving an inch. "I know I have been careless at points, and I'm really sorry. I should have known how depressing it would have been for you, and you would have needed to share it with someone. I was too indulged in my own work that I negligently avoided my responsibilities. But Avni, I can vouch to this whole world that my children, would never get a better mother than you! not in this life, not in any other! I promise, I'll face all the critics aimed towards you, from this day forward. I wouldn't you to change a single thing about Marshall's mother. Ever." Avni sat right there, like a statue. Except for the river of tears welling up her eyes. She opened her mouth and closed it several times. "Shh, you don't have to say anything. Just, blame the hormones!" Neil gave a wink and Avni laughed softly. He brought her to his arms and kissed on her forehead. 

The afternoon breezes entered the living room of the Khanna house. It was a bright sunny day, and the breezes were soothing the souls from the heat of the atmosphere. Avni was on the couch, poking her nose in a book. Neil shook his head, as he entered the house with Marshall. Neil knew Marshal''s bookworm genes were definitely of Avni's. And he prayed the no.2 will be smart enough to catch the same gene. "Mommy!" Marshall ran to Avni, opening his arms wide. "Marshi, careful now!" Neil hurried after him. "tha's a tite on.. the.. tee!" It took a while for Marshall to complete his sentence. He was learning new words and trying to use em as much as possible. "A kite?" Avni got up and sat on the couch. She was too drained today, after getting sick for a few times. "es! Daddy b'ought!" "Haha, I brought a kite for him. Thought it would be a good idea for such a day. You alright?" Neil asked quickly, as he saw Avni's skin paling up. "I'm fine. Just a tiring day." She brought Marshall up into her arms and kissed on his cheek. "Let's get you down for a nap first."

"come here." Neil extended his hand to Avni, offering her to lie down with him. Avni took Neil's hand and got into bed. She moved close to him and Neil draped his arms tightly around her.. (A/N: I'll just end it here ;) )

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