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Jeongyeon's POV
Yah, hyung. You'll treat us gas this time for not joining the bonfire and not escorting them home. Chaeng commanded.
Fine, fine, fine. I answered.
10 minutes and we'll leave. Finish up your trying hard looks.
Yah! Ostrich-ssi. You're just early, that's why. Tzuyu protested.
Ya! Yoda-ssi. Imitating him...That's the point. Be early to get the job done earlier. I fired back.
Look who's talking. Cub argued.
That's not ughm...the point. He's just ughm...upset because of Nayeon noona. you know who said it tho haha.
Oh, right. Using work as an excuse to avoid Nabongs. Tzuyu teased.
Yah! Yoo Chaeyoung!
What? They heard us talking tho.
Fine, but don't you guys dare tease us.
Sure ughm...let's go.
Aish, why do I have brothers like them?
Nayeon's POV
Girls, finish up already! Your prince charmings are on their way!
We know! The three answered Jihyo.
*sigh* look at them, they're all updated; while me? I am clueless of...
Bunny-ah, we're on our way. We're just stopping by a gas station. He texted me! Em so happyyy!
Nabongs, don't be so happy and thank me first.
And why is that, Im Jihyo?
Because he called and we talked after he hung up on you. haha.
Laugh all you want, Thomas! But wait, "he's kinda sleepy"? He even called Jihyo after hunging up on me!
I know what you're thinking tho. He's just hurt and don't blame him. Because neither of you are to be blamed.
Wow, sounding like a real mom to Jeongyeon, yea?
Of course! So, don't think of taking revenge on my "son".
Yah! Im Jihyo!
Now that I think of it, you can't love each other 'cause I'm her "mother" and you're my "cousin". Jihyo then laughed and ran like a kid who just bullied a little girl.
But wait, "love each other"? I didn't think of that. I don't even know if I like him that way. Do I?
I was awaken from my thoughts when...
Ma'am, your friends are here. Auntie said.
Aw, thanks, auntie. Jihyo answered.
Let's have a little snack, first before...
That's a nice idea, dubu-ah. Momo said to Dahyun without letting her finish.
Wait, is it just me, or Momo didn't say "ughm"? Sana asked.
We all laughed at the statement.
Well, can't you see? All of you change when you talk to your "closest friend" in our troop. Jihyo said while emphasizing the words "closest friends".
Aish this train.
Jihyo! We complained.
Aish, these flirts! Right, have your moments and I'll make some snacks for a long drive. She said while winking.
Jeongyeon's POV
Here it goes. This is my chance. I have to say it.
I gave her the chocolates I bought together with the lads as we drove here.
Thanks, Jeongie. You didn't have to. She said as we sat down.
No, I'm sorry for being rude. I was just sensitive, I guess.
Right, I'm so sorry for last night. I was just overthinking, I guess.
I can't blame you tho.
Right, let's go back to what we were yesterday, yea?
Yea, let's do that.
I'm so happy she accepted my apology!
I missed you, Bunnyah. I didn't plan to say that but it just came out of my mouth.
I swear my cheeks are flaming up.
Nayeon's POV
I missed you, Bunnyah.
Gosh, I didn't know how to respond!
I swear, I'm blushing so hard.
Guess you didn't. He pouted. He seriously pouted and he looked so cute.
I did. I missed you. Now, let me take a picture of my cute Jeongie, pouting like a baby. I acted as cool as possible but I really missed him being chill and playful like this; and I really, really wanted to capture this once in a lifetime moment.
Let's do it together, Bunnyah.
Sure thing.
He's so cute! We took the photo, just in time for everyone to barge in. Gladly we already captured it!
Wait for me, you flirts! Jihyo ran from the kitchen with our snacks and joined us.
We took at least 10 photos in 10 seconds. haha. Cute~
Let's go, flirties. Jihyo commanded.
Yes, God Jihyo. They said in unison, excluding me.
Aish, they're fooled by this idiot.
They suddenly became awkward and stared at Jihyo for a while.
Yah! You and your worried stares! Don't worry, I'll drive by myself. Now go and flirt.
Yah! Unnie ughm...we're not ughm...flirts. you know who said that. haha.
Jeongyeon's POV
As usual, we let all of them hit the road first before my bunny and I did.
I opened the car's door for her.
Thanks, Jeongie.
Oh, how I love to be called "Jeongie" by her.
I hit the engine and we took off.
What are you looking for, Bunnyah?
My ponytail.
Wews. For the first time in forever, you'll tie your hair.
Because my Jeongyeon hates it when my hair covers my face, doesn't he? My heart, Nayeonah. It's going out of my chest, thanks to you.
Aw, right.
Unfortunately, I can't find it.
Hmm, let's stop by a shop and buy you one...and buy what you want. I offered with my chill smile.
Nayeon's POV
Hmm, let's stop by a shop and buy you one...and buy what you want. He smiled calmly.
There he goes again, making my heart flutter.
Sure. I tried to show my toothy smile as calm as he did.
Great. Acting like he won the lotto.
Why are you acting like you've won a lotto or something?
Because I won something more than a lotto could give me.
I saw the toothy smile of yours that I've always liked.
He sure knows how to make me blush.
Act cool!
"You've always liked"? As if we met a long time ago.
I knew you first, didn't I? Your profile? Hello?
He's so cute!
Fine, I give up. I said as I raised both of my arms like I was kidnapped or something.
He chuckled. You're so cute, Bunnyah.
Yah! You're making me shy. I hit his arm lightly.
Keep your eyes on the road, I said.
But we're already here.
Right, haha. Let's gooo!
I said as I zoomed out of the car.
Gosh, I'm blushing so hard!
Jeongyeon's POV
And she just left me in the car just like that. She's so cute. I'll text mom Jihyo.
Hey, mom. I'll just Buy Nayeon a ponytail. We'll be late. Sorry~
She replied immediately:
Yah! You're so flirt. Haha, alright son. Don't rush too much, we have the whole day. Enjoy ;)
I replied with a smile on my face while walking towards the mall: Mom! Haha but we'll do. Thanks :)
Now where is my bunny?

.............................................................Keepin' it short and simple 'cause em short lmao
2yeon's child~

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