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Mark's POV
Jeongyeon hung up the phone as soon as we reached Jungkook's place.
Let's go? He asked.
Wait, are you sure about this?
Mark, your mom's in a very big trouble for Pete's sake! Don't mind me and...
How about your mom? How about all the people who love you?
Yah~ Mark-ssi. I said don't mind me. I promise that you and your mom will get out of here safely.
How about you?
Not sure tho but let's wait and see.
Ey, Yoo Jeongyeon.
I said don't mind me, yea? Let's go, mate.
Now, I see why he is very loved. Nayeon-ssi is so lucky to have him but because of me and those bastards, their happily ever after may never happen. I'm sorry, Jeongyeon-ssi and Nayeon-ssi.
Yah! What are you still doing there? Let's go now and beat some assholes up! He gestured me to come to his direction with a half-shout and a half-whisper.
Look who's here! Jimin announced. All of them turned to us.
Oh, a coward and...a coward? What are you little boys doing here? Tryin' to be a hero, eh? Jungkook teased. Boys! Teach those little boys how to have fun while I have fun with Mark's little mommy! He commanded as he sarcastically smiles and walked away. Oh! That little son of a fucking bich! I sure will teach him a fucking lesson.
Let's do this, mate. Jeongyeon and I nodded at each other. We face those bastards back to back.
Punches, kick, and panting were all that could be heard in the room.
Jeongyeon was looking like a star in an action movie and I was looking like his sidekick. It sure is fun punishing these assholes.
We don't have time to spare. Let's find your mom. Let's split up. Once again, we nodded at each other.
I found my mom in a room not so far where Jeongyeon and I separated. I ran to her, she was crying. She was so pale and hapless!
I heard a very loud noise! Please, be safe, man!
My mom and I were running to reach the exit from hell. We reached the front yard until mom fell on the ground, saying: Go on and save yourself, son. I can't run any longer. I love...
It was then when suddenly, I heard Jungkook shouting all over the house:
Little Mark? Where are you? Where is mommy? Daddy here, can't see you. He said those in a psycho tone, as if he was trying to play hide and seek with his kids. Disgusting bastard!
No, mom. We need to keep going. I tried to help my mom get up.
There you are! Oh, no! Fuck! Hell no!
Then I heard a very loud slam. I opened my eyes and saw Jeongyeon walking towards our direction. Jungkook's blood was all over his face.
Jeongyeon was smiling as he reached us.
We did, Ma..-
He fell on the ground with his blood flooding all over his body.
Oh, no, Jeongyeon! Jungkook is still a bastard even at the hour of his death, like seriously?
Mark, let's help your friend! "Friend" huh? I didn't think we'd ever be friends after everything I'd done to him. But he's just so understanding. Now, I know what I have to do.
What are you waiting for, son?
Mom, you sure you can carry his half weight? I asked as we lift him up.
I don't know but we have to bring him to a hospital.
Let's find help.
And so, we carried him, begging and shouting for help.
A car? No need to waste time. We stepped on the road for them to see us, still, his in our arms. And there were cops, too. It's about time for Pete's sake! So, I guess this car is where his friends are.
Oh my god, what happened to Jeongyeon!? I heard Jihyo hysterically reacted as she and two other girls came out of the car.
Guys! Help! Let's bring him to the nearest hospital. They agreed and hopped in the car just immediately.
Now, he is in Nayeon's arms. I can clearly see that she's crying. She's holding his hands and mumbling words like: "I'm so sorry", "I love you", "Please, don't die"; all of those words were just repeated by her the whole ride.
Nayeonah. Please calm down and relax. I know you can't, but please try for Jeongyeon. Seulgi? Yes, Seulgi said.
If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't go through a lot of pain! Nayeon cried herself out.
Hey~ don't blame yourself, kid. None of us wanted this to happen. Now, I'm guilty. Hope those assholes are, too!
If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't suffer like this! I can't take it anymore!
Don't blame yourself, Nayeon-ssi...because this? This was all planned. Everything that has been happening the whole week has been planned! I confessed out of nowhere. This guilt in my soul is killing me for Pete's sake! Ey, Jeongyeon has a very strong influence on me, using the sake of Pete.
So, you're saying that killing him is a part of your plan, too huh? Is that it!? Nayeon confronted as she aggressively pushed me.
Nabongs! Calm down! Jihyo tried to stop her.
At least let him explain. Seulgi added while nodding at me, signalling for me to go on.
What do you want? Jeongyeon asked, emotionless.
I need to talk to you and I need your help.
Of all people you want to chit chat with and ask for help, it's me? Can't you see that I'm...
I cut him off: ...that you're miserable? Yes, I can clearly see that. I can clearly feel guilt inside of me, too. And, I can clearly see how Jungkook and his stupid gang are celebrating right now for they succeeded ruining your relationship with Nayeon. He furrowed his eyebrows.
And you're a part of this, Mark!?
I bowed my head with great shame.
I didn't have a choice, Jeongyeon. I have no one to turn to. I've been a part of their crimes since you moved us to that school. I've been their slave since they've learned that I'm like them, too –an asshole, especially to Nayeon-ssi.
Those bastards! I'm so sorry, Mark! I should've...ugh! Fuck my life! Even in this kind of situation, he still cares less for himself.
If I didn't send Nayeon the video Jungkook's slut took that night...
This time, he cut me off: Hey, even if she's like that and she did that to me, don't call her that. She's still a human and she just has the wrong fate, that's all. No need to trash talk about her. He truly is a gentleman.
Alright, if I didn't send the video to Nayeon, they threatened that they would kill me! It was okay but they threatened me that they would do things to my mom! His hands turned into fists for what I thought was because of what I did...but I was wrong.
Those bastards! Where's your mom now!? He truly is selfless.
That's the thing, Jeongyeon. I've come here for your help.
Don't tell me, she's in their dirty hands at this hour?
I just answered him with a nod and a worried face.
Fuck! How can the actual fuck we find those assholes and your mom?
I know Jungkook's penthouse address. It is where he does all the naughty things one can think of with his friends.
Then, what are we waiting for? He asked as he rushed through the door. I just followed him to his car.
I'll call Seulgi noona to inform the cops.
I stopped him from getting his phone: Wait, aren't you mad at me or something? And who am I for you to help me?
Why would I be? They forced you. You did that for your mom's safety. Seeing that you protect your mom in any way and admitting all of those to me are enough for me to help you. He then dialed his noona's number.
While it was ringing, he looked at me: Let's forget about the past and be brothers from now on, sounds cool?
I couldn't respond. How can someone be so caring, forgiving loving, and understanding all at once?
End of Flashback
And that's when you guys were talking on the phone. I finished my story.
Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! Why are you so perfect!? Nayeon suddenly screamed out her lungs.
Calm down, Nabongs. People are looking at us. Seulgi covered her mouth as we bowed 90° to apologize to the disturbed people.
Yah! You and your careless mouth! Jihyo half-shouted and half-whispered.
But honestly speaking, you really are lucky to have him as a suitor, especially a friend...and I'm sorry if I was a part of those who ruined that.
Now that I know what truly happened, I won't blame you. And thank you for being honest. Nayeon is starting to tear up. It's just that, I was the one who pushed him away without even thinking..and...
I cut her off: And so what? Pull him back and don't blame yourself. None of you wanted this to happen tho.
He's right, Nayeonah. Seulgi agreed ro what I said while patting her back.
Uh huh. Jihyo supported.
But wait, so that loud sound from Jeongyeon's car that night was because of them? Seulgi curiously changed the topic.
Jungkook told us not to leave any bruise on his skin, so no one would get suspicious. So, Suga hit his head for him to lose consciousness. We were about to leave –Jeongyeon, Suga, and Jimin were already inside the car when I intentionally hit the car for it to alarm. They pulled ne inside and rushed to hit the road.
Ey, you were on our side all along! Seulgi ruffled my hair.
Excuse me? Can I talk to you guys for a minute? The doctor came out of the emergency room.

Keepin' it short and simple 'cause em short lmao
2yeon's child~

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