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Nayeon's POV
How is he? Jeongyeon's mom asked as the Yoo's came our way; just in time for the doctor's announcement.
I believe you're the patient's mother, ma'am. The doctor stated.
Yes. How is he? Mom repeated.
Mr. Yoo Jeongyeon is in between unconscious and comatosed. His head was hit for what I think is more than twice.
More than twice!? Dad interrupted.
Yes, Mr. Yoo. The bullet that almost hit his spinal cord to the upper left of his back added to his unconsciousness.
And he was shot!? He interrupted once again.
Yes, Mr. Yoo...and he may temporarily forget things or misunderstand his memory. All of us were in shock.
I feel weak. I feel hopeless. I feel...broke.
So, as his parents, I really need you to give me permission to perform the surgery for preventing any more damage in his brain. The doctor added.
Sir, the guys behind the incident are already behind bars. Seulgi unnie informed Dad.
Well, they better be! He responded with such rage.
While me? I'm just sitting here, listening to them as we waited for the operation to finish. I'm sitting here, hoping he'll wake up, still remembering me.
Minseok, can you at least calm down!? Mom said.
He didn't respond and just massaged his temples.
...and their leader was dead, sir. Seulgi unnie added.
All of us just looked at her, confused.
Unnie just furrowed her eyebrows and wiggled her head, indicating that she had no idea, too.
Jeongyeon hit his head. Jungkook's blood was all over his face. That's when he shot Jeongyeon when we thought he's already dead. Mark joined in the crucial conversation.
Yah~ Yoo Jeongdae. Why does your son have to be so perfect all the time, eh?
Yah! Yoo Minseok! To whom of us did he get that from, eh?
Ey, mom and dad. It isn't the time for your teen fight. Tzuyu teased.
Yah! Yoo Tzuyu! Dad and mom complained.
They shared a little laugh.
While me? I'm just sitting here, listening to them. I'm sitting here, hoping he'll wake up, still remembering me.
A little smile was formed on my face for they reminded of how my Jeongie and I used to tease each other like that –calling each other by the full name, imitating each other...
I didn't notice that tears were falling until...
It's okay, Nayeonah... Jeongyeon's mom came up to me and hugged me.
She then patted my head and hugged me tighter.
Take this, child. Dad handed me a handkerchief.
Now, I know why Jeongyeon has become a sweet gentleman.
Are you sure you want to stay here, Nayeon unnie, Jihyo unnie, Seulgi unnie, and Mark-ssi?
Yes, Mina we all answered in unison.
...-ssi. well, except Mark who used honorifics.
Ey, Mark. We don't need to be so formal.
Mina chuckled.
Yea, sure. He answered.
We'll get going then. Chaeng informed.
Excuse me? Finally, the doctor was out of the room!
Yes? How's our son? Mom asked as we walked to his direction.
I have a good news and a bad news, ma'am.
What's the bad one, then?
Yah! Yoo Minseok!
Ow! Dad rubbed his arm that was hit by mom.
The surgery was successful. Everything is normal now, but...I'm afraid he won't wake up for God knows how long. I'm so sorry to all of you. Thank you for staying with him. With that, he bowed and left.
Oh, Minseok-ah. Mom fell into dad's arms.
Everything will be okay, love.
Love? He calls her "love". I remember how he used to call me that when we're fooling around as the ship parents. I remember how he used to express his love towards me. I remember how he used to say "I love yoo."
Now, all I can say to him is "I miss yoo."
It's okay, Nayeonah. All of them came to me and comforted me.
Now, I can't help but cry.
It has been almost a month and he's still asleep. It's been 3 weeks and 6 days after the incident...still no sign of good news. Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! Wake up already. You have rested for so long and all of us here are waiting for you.
You sure you'll take the night shift again, noona? Chaeng asked.
Yes, I don't have work tomorrow anyway. I smiled to him.
But even if you have one, you'll stay here anyway. He rolled his eyes and walked up to me. Mom, don't force yourself. You're stressed from work and...
I cut him off: Little cub, it's okay, okay? I love what I do. It won't stress me. Jeongie won't stress me. I ruffled his hair.
He sighed. Okay. You're in love anyway. He chuckled. I'm sorry, mommy. I can't stay here with you for daddy. My work is...
Son, don't worry. It's okay, I said. Once again, I smiled at him. Aish, this ship child of ours is so sweet. Jeongyeonah, you should wake up now.
Right, I better get going now, noona. We hugged. Dad and mom will come here tomorrow morning. Don't stay up too late, okay? He said as he was stepping outside the room.
I just answered him with a nod and a reassuring smile.
Knock Knock
Come in.
Hey, Nayeonah.
Oh, hey, Mark. We hugged each other.
I came here with Seulgi noona and Irene noona. They're just buying food 'cause we know you're taking your shift. Mark said as we sat down.
How's your mom?
Well, she's getting better now. She really wants to visit Jeongyeon. Everyday, she'll ask me to take her here because she wants to thank him in person.
You see, Jeongyeonah? Mark's mom wants to thank you in person. You have to wake up already.
How about Jeongyeon? How is he?
Still have no changes.
May I? He asked if he could excuse himself to come to Jeongyeon's side.
Sure. I smiled.
Hey, mate. It's time to wake up. You've been resting for so long. You'll go numb for Pete's sake! And oh, no one has been mentioning the sake of Pete to me since forever, man! That made me smile tho –Jeongie's Pete's Sake Syndrome.
And, by the way, I'm sorry I couldn't visit you. Mom needs me with her. Good thing she's just recovering now. She really wants to visit you so she can thank you. So, brother, wake up for the sake of Pete. I just thought, Jeongie and Mark became close that day. What happened tho? I was dazed out of my thought when suddenly, the heart monitor went faster than usual. We pressed the buzzer just immediately to inform the nurses that something's happening.
He's okay. You don't need to worry. Maybe he'll wake up soon, that's why. Don't lose hope, FIGHTING! The doctor informed as he pulled his arms high and cheered with his fists. Cute...but not as cute as my Jeongie.
Thank you. We said in unison.
You heard that, guys? He'll finally wake up!
We heard, kid. Seulgi unnie ruffled my hair.
Don't get too excited. haha. bleh. They laughed. Yea, yea. Laugh all you want.
Let's go inside! Mark said like a kid suggesting for ice cream.
Yah! You sound like his girlfriend more, Tuan! We laughed at Irene unnie's statement.
Yah! Noona! We laughed even more while we entered the room.
Eat up, Nabongs. Seulgi unnie then offered me the food they bought.
Here you go, Mark. She offered some to him, too.
How about you, guys?
We're good. Irene unnie smiled.
Hey, bro. Want some? He offered Jeongyeon as if...
Yah! Mark Tuan! You are so loud! Did he just..?
Is this for real, Yoo Jeongyeon!? Mark stood up acting shocked and all. Aish, this kid haha.
All of us rushed to his bed.
What do you think of me, dork, a ghost?
Jeongyeon is awake! He's awake! OH.MY.GOSH.HE.IS.AWAKE.LIKE.OH.MY.GOSH.
Since when did you call me "dork"?
Haha. I've been dreaming things and I call you "dork". So, I guess, a couple of times. Bleh.
Aish, just glad you're awake, mate.
By the way, how's your mom?
Mark didn't get to answer because Seulgi unnie just joined the scene.
Boss Dongsaeng!
Seulgi noona. I.Can't.Breathe. Jeongyeon acted like choking and tried to pull away from unnie.
Glad you're awake, kid. Irene unnie ruffled his hair.
I believe you're noona's crush?
Wait, what did you say, dongsaengah?
She's your crush, right?
Did he just forget Irene unnie? Then, there's a possibility that...
Hey, Ms.? Why are you crying? He asked, clueless of what I was feeling...clueless of who I was.
They just stared at each other, not knowing how to react nor answer him.
I'm your friend, silly! I gave a bitter chuckle. I gave a fake smile.
I'm sorry, I can't go to you. Do you mind coming to me? He tried to get up but failed.
Sure. I walked up to him as I wiped my tears away.
Excuse us, mate. Mark informed and pulled Seulgi and Irene unnie outside.
Have a seat. He gestured for me to sit on the chair beside his bed. What's your name?
Im Nayeon. I just can't look at him.
"Nayeonah" –what a beautiful name. But of course, you're much beautiful. He shrugged his shoulders.
I just let out a small chuckle.
He looked at me and made me look at him, too. He cupped my face saying: Nayeonah, I'm sorry if I can't remember you. I'm sorry if I have ever made you lonely. I may seem lying 'cause it's obvious that we're strangers in some kind of way but I know in my heart that I LOVE YOO.
You haven't changed a bit, Jeongie.
I just answered him with a smile and a nod.
Hey, did we have some issues? His brows were furrowed as he let go of my face.
What!? No! Why? Obviously, I denied.
You're not saying "I love yoo, too." He pouted! I repeat! HE.POUTED.
It's been forever since I've seen you pouted. I tried to act cool.
Why change the topic? He pouted even more.
Arasso. I love yoo, too.
Hmp. Not sincere! He turned around, arms crossed and still pouting. This childish side of his is really cute.
Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. And ow!
Why? I came closer to him. And that's a lot of ow's, too. haha.
You look like a bunny. He suddenly blurted out. In the cutest way tho! Was he thinking I'd get offended? haha.
You know, you used to call me your bunny. I said, smiling.
Really? What do you call me, then?
Do other people call me that, too?
No. 'Cause we promised not to allow others call us by the nickname we gave each other.
Then, why aren't you calling me "My Jeongie"? Aish, you're still possessive, aren't you, Yoo Jeongyeon? Haha.
Why aren't you answering?
Aish. Jeongyeonah.
Don't change the topic, Bunny-ah. He called me "Bunny-ah". I don't know why but my heart suddenly went out of control. Don't you want to own me? Yoo Jeongyeon! My heart!
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
Don't you want to own me?
ey, seriously, Nabongs, how many times will you repeat that in your head✌you're so in love tho😉please have a happy ending, you guys!💞

Keepin' it short and simple 'cause em short lmao
2yeon's child~

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