Your Personality and Powers/Abilities

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You are a very independant woman, you don't require the help of others to get you through your day. You are very intelligent, you seem to always understand people and know what they will do next. This makes you very good to talk to like a therapist, even though you aren't one.

Your ability is telepathy, you can read the minds of other people, but you can't control them. You can only see what they what they're thinking and access memories of that person, this is what makes you so good at understanding others.

Diana/Wonder Woman

You are a mix of being brave and cowardly, you are brave when the time comes but otherwise you don't like getting involved with things. You feel tied down when others try involving you in situations that don't include you. You'd rather do your own thing, after all you are your own person.

Your ability is flight with beautiful white wings, you can make them invisible to people but they are always there. When they are invisible, however, you cannot take to the sky. They have to be visible in order for you to fly, how can you fly with invisible wings? This is what makes you feel so tied down, you want to spread your wings and fly!


You are very childish and bubbly, but you are also very, very shy. You rarely talk to people, you become very nervous. You tend to avoid people because you feel like you won't be liked by anyone, you are very insecure. There are people who do like you, but you are always worried about what others will think of you.

Your ability is invisibility, fitting your personality perfectly, you are so shy and insecure you can turn invisible to avoid embarrassment. You are able to turn your clothes invisible as well, giving you an edge if you want to get out of a situation you aren't fond of. Problem is though, you don't have full control of your abilities, you can turn on command, but when you are startled, scared, or surprised, it triggers your power. It can be difficult to turn visible again.

Barry/The Flash

You are a very aggressive female, you love a good fight. You like causing problems and messing with things that aren't yours. You are protective over your friends and family, standing up for them if they get into a problem. You will do that for anyone, really. You see someone getting bullied? You're on it, in a flash. ((No pun intended ;p)) You do have some anger issues, but what can you do?

Your ability is pyrokinesis, the most difficult of the main 4 elements to control. The others being water, earth, and air, fire is destructive and is tied tightly to emotions. Your anger causes your powers to erupt and you often cannot control it, but you frankly don't want to. Fire is wild, just like you, so why control it? It does what it wants, and so do you.


You are a friendly and caring girl, you love making sure others are okay. You want to become a doctor so you can help those who need it, your motherly nature is strong. You make friends pretty much everywhere you go, and people love you. You can't help but love everything you see, appearances don't matter to you, you see beauty in everything. You are a very peaceful person.

Your ability is generating healing force-fields. You naturally want to protect and care for others, force fields do just that, they protect. They also heal, as long as they are generated. However, these fields generated will protect from blasts and gunshots and all that, but if they heal then it takes up quite a bit of your energy and you won't be able to use them again until you gain strength back, but that all depends on how severe the injury is.


You are so so so quiet, you rarely talk, you aren't shy in a sense, but you are at the same time. It's hard to explain, you are very difficult, you don't have friends. You just aren't that outgoing. You'd prefer to be alone, you're a lone wolf. You enjoy the silence of the world when no one else is around. You don't really like being around people, you become awkward and mute. It is very difficult to talk in front of others.

Your ability is to communicate with animals, you can talk to all sorts of animals and understand them. You don't control them, but they do listen to you. There are some situations where they won't listen but that is rare. You are very persuasive, and they are the only creatures you actually talk to without feeling strange. Animals have always been a part of your life, when you discovered you can talk with them, your life got a whole lot better. 

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