Hello...I am not dead, a few things, please read

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Firstly, let me apologize for my absence! I have been gone for a few months. Accidentally of course. A lot of personal college issues came up, I am a freshman in college so you can imagine what I mean if you are or have been in university. 

I don't need to share everything but I will say there were some financial issues. Not my fault, but my loans and information was lost and I was almost kicked out of university...luckily the files were found and the problem was solved. After that entire thing I went home for the holidays and came back to the state I am in for college and purchased a car. I spent most of my saved up money on it and this part of this message I wanted to say.

I am trying to buy another tarantula, (omg a big hairy scary spider right? Fun fact, I absolutely ADORE tarantulas and love them with all my heart) and I currently don't have much money left. If anyone would want to help me I would really appreciate it. I need around $200 for everything, so if anyone feels like helping me I would be grateful. 

In case anyone asks, I don't have time to get a job between my classes, sports, and studying. This semester is really hard on me, I have a lot of advanced classes that I need to work really hard in. If anyone has taken bio-chemistry, anatomy, biology, mathematics, etc. You know what I mean. 

But if anyone feels like helping me, privately message me and I will give you my PayPal. And please, don't feel like you have to donate to me. I understand some people don't have credit/debit cards, don't have money, have their own things they need to buy, etc. Please don't feel the need to donate, but I would appreciate it if you did. 

And with this story, I haven't been so motivated to continue this book, I have rewatched Justice League to try and get me back into it, but I have been writing another story over the course of a few months when I haven't been busy, so I will be posting that. And I will add more chapters to this book of course. I just might not be so active with this one unless people really want a specific chapter. 

Anyway, thank you if you read this entire message. And again I apologize for my absence. I will be more active now. 


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