They Find Out You're Pregnant!

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Hey! These ones are kind of short but I'm working on one shots and an entirely new story about the justice league, but it will be a full story, with a love interest for sweet sweet little Barry ;)

Thanks for reading!! Love you <3


    Bruce found out because you told him, you came up to him while he had a break and broke the news nervously. You didn't know how he'd react honestly, but his eyes lit up, "Really? Are you sure?"

    "Yes Bruce, you and I will be parents in 9 months."

    "What do you mean? We're parents now!" He picked you up and spun you around in a circle before kissing you.


    Diana knew because you went to the doctor together for a sperm donation, you were really nervous, she was there to comfort you and make sure you were okay the entire time.

    "This won't hurt right? It'll be quick?"

    "Yes, my angel, don't worry, everything is gonna be okay."

    The procedure was quick and painless and you were relieved. You both were very excited after.


    Clark found your test in the trash, he was slightly offended you didn't tell him about it before he found the test. You explained you were going to break the news to him after you knew for sure and you ordered a cake so you two could celebrate.

    "Do we know the gender yet?"

    "No, Clark, we have to wait a little bit."

    "I can't wait, I love you."

Victor (For this imagine)

PS I don't think he can get you pregnant because he's robotic down there??? IDK MAN

    Victor was with you when you went to the doctor, he was confident and proud he could have the opportunity to be a father with the person he loved. His dad was proud of him too. Everyone was happy for him, even the team.

    "I'm so happy Victor," you smiled gently.

    "I am too, I can still live my life, even after the accident." He held you while you waited for the donation procedure. You were nervous but happy you'd be parents with Victor by your side.


    Barry found out because you told him, you came up and asked him a question. "Hey Barry, blue, pink, or does it matter?"


    "Which would you prefer?"

    "Uhh...I mean for clothes or..." You rubbed your stomach and smiled at him, he cocked his head a little before realizing what you meant. "O-Oh...Oh my god! Y-You're....really??"

    "Yes, I am." You both celebrated that night with a lot of junk food.


    Arthur suspected you were before you knew. You were sick and kept puking but you thought it was because you ate bad food. He also noticed you kept asking to go to the store to get (your favorite food but it's a weird combo, like mustard and chocolate or something. Mine is pickles and peanut butter lol), he asked Diana for help.

    "She may be pregnant, Arthur," she said, he thought about the responsibilities he'd have to hold. But he was excited it was with you! He couldn't wait until you found out yourself so he could rub it in your face that he already knew.

Cheeky bastard!

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