Update For Y'all

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Hello everyone, how have you guys been?

So, I recently started college, I got a full ride scholarship so I can actually go to college! I'm very happy, I worked very hard to improve at my sport which is shotgun shooting sports, and I am very proud of myself.

Enough about that, what I wanted to update you guys about is that since I started, I've been busy with school and my shooting. I have been attempting to update the story but I just haven't had time. However, I've been writing some other stories that I'm debating to publish or not. Point is, I don't know how often I'll be able to write for this story and I apologize for all of you that have been waiting for another chapter. 

Thank you for understanding that I'm pretty busy and have been working on other stories that I've been wanting to write for a long time. Message me if you have any questions or if you just want to talk. 

Thank you very much, I love all of you <3


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