First Date/Kiss -3-

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Bruce took you to a fancy restaurant for your first date, as a gentlemen he paid for everything. You felt bad at first but didn't think too much of it. After the wonderful date you took a walk by the park, he stopped you and looked you in the eyes.

"You looked stunning tonight, sweetheart," he moved a piece of hair behind your ear and planted his lips on yours, you were surprised but kissed him back, glad that he kissed you.

Diana/Wonder Woman

She decided to meet at night, she set up a picnic in the middle of the park down by the lake, you really enjoyed how she set it up, candles, food, everything was gorgeous, all laid out on a soft blanket. You enjoyed all the food she prepared but you enjoyed the pie she made the most.

"Thank you so much Diana, this was an amazing date." You were so happy, you let your wings stay visible, because she loved looking at them. "Of course my angel, I want to make you happy."

She then leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips, you returned the kiss with equal gentleness, you felt a smile against your lips making your cheeks heat up. She pulled away and smiled at you, "You're a great kisser, my angel." Your face darkened at her words, "You too...." You kissed her again.


He wanted to do something away from people but also that could be nice for you. He filled his truck bed with a bunch of blankets, packed some snacks, and pillows. He waited until evening to call you over for the date, you went stargazing in the back of his truck and listened to stories that he told.

"You're amazing, Clark," you told him chewing on a poptart he packed just for you. He knew you loved sweet foods. "You're pretty amazing yourself, y/n. I have a surprise for you, close your eyes." You did as he asked and felt his lips press on yours, you didn't bother opening your eyes, you just kissed back. He pulled away and smiled at you, seeing your blush, you smirked at him, "Enjoy that, Superman?"

Barry/The Flash

After the whole 'fire incident,' Barry has been extra cautious around you, he wanted you to be happy so he took you to a new movie you've been wanting to see, a scary movie was perfect for a date night. He was terrified of scary movies but he endured the movie for you.

As you were watching, a scene came on that made him look away, he turned into you, making you giggle, "Scared are we?" You laughed and turned to him, "I just...don't really enjoy scary movies as much as you...." You turned and pressed your lips against his, feeling him kiss back was one of the best feelings ever. "Make it through the movie and you'll get more kisses, okay?" His cheeks were deep red, all he could do was nod.


He decided to have an at home date, he decorated his whole house for you, making it absolutely beautiful. You walked in and you guys did various activities you both enjoyed. You played some board games, watched a movie or two, made sundaes, just hanging out together.

He was finishing his sundae when you put your cherry on top, "Ta-Da! All done!" Yours looked so good, pink and white, he smiled and looked at you confused, "Oh, you have something here...." His metal finger took some chocolate from the corner of your mouth.

"Thanks...." you brushed your hair out of your face and behind your ear. He smirked, "One more thing," he leaned in and kissed your lips. He felt so warm, contrasting the cold metal that covered his body. He pulled away and looked at you, "Even with your metal body, you're still perfect." He smiled and wiped some whipped cream on your nose.


He told you to meet him at an ice cream parlor near the other parlor you guys normally hung out at. You weren't going to deny any date he wanted. Besides, you loved ice cream. You went to the parlor and he arrived a little after you, he handed you a bouquet of red roses, you gladly took them and he walked you inside. You guys ordered your ice cream and sat down.

"You know, I figured you'd like this place, it reminds me of you." Arthur spoke and took a bite of his cotton candy twist ice cream. You smiled and licked your favorite/icecream, he looked at you with those deep eyes, you blushed and got on your knees on the chair, leaned in, and kissed his lips. This surprised Arthur quite a bit, but he kissed back, he deepened the kiss and ran his fingers through your hair.

"Thank you," you spoke for the first time, he looked at you with wide eyes, he had succeeded.

"You are very welcome, my princess."

((I apologize, Bruce's is really short. I find him the hardest to write for. I'll try making his longer. 

Thank you for reading!))

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