They Apologize

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After the incident, you didn't talk to him for a solid 2 weeks, but frankly, it didn't feel like anything changed. After all, he didn't really pay attention to you so it felt the same. Bruce however, felt horrible and lonely. It was weird, when you were there he felt okay, even though he was the one ignoring you-but now that you were gone he felt empty.

He tried calling you over 40 times that night but you never answered. You were hurt that he actually hit you, really hurt.

It was a nice afternoon and you got off work, deciding to take a scenic route back to your friend's house, (you were staying with them), you ran into the rich boy himself. You froze for a moment before relaxing with an angry expression, "Well, look who decided to show his face to the poor peasant. How dare you show your face to me out of all people?" Bruce stared at you, his eyes hiding pain but your cheek showing it...still bruised from the impact.

"Y/n...I, I don't know how to express how sorry I am. I can't believe what I did, I was just so stressed out and upset-"

"And that's an excuse?"

"...No. No it isn't. I, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. And, I understand if you don't want to see me anymore, I just want you to be happy, and, I'm sorry again."

You thought for a moment, you did miss him, even when he basically acted like you weren't there. You sighed, "I forgive you Bruce. Just...please don't do it again. And, spend more time with me? Please?"

"Yes, yes baby of course I will, I'm so sorry!" Bruce sounded relieved and smiled, "I love you, and I missed you so much." You two hugged and felt his tight embrace, happy you felt complete again.


Your wing took a month and a half to heal, you were bound to the ground for a month and a half, the gift of flight was taken from you for that long. It felt like an eternity. Diana hadn't contacted you since, you thought she was over you, you were left heartbroken.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Diana knocked at your door. You got up and limped to the door to open it, every time you walked you were reminded how much back muscles were involved with walking. It hurt and strained them. You reached the door and opened it, not bothering to look at who it is.

It was her.

Your warrior, the most beautiful amazon you ever laid your eyes on.

"Y/n, I'm...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you like I did. I never ever wanted to do that, I can't think of any excuse where that would be okay."

"Diana, you left me heartbroken. I was a heartbroken, flightless angel. I couldn't even fly away from my problems...because my wing is broken. It wasn't just my heart you broke that day..."

"Please, my precious love, I am so sorry, I really regret what I did, I'll do anything to get you to forgive me. Anything."

To be honest, you missed her. Her comfort always helped you, and you missed that, you looked down thinking for a moment and you felt hot tears fall, finally giving in. You nearly tackled her in a hug, she kept her balance and hugged you back, careful of your wing. "I forgive you Diana...I missed you."

"I missed you too, my angel."


Clark didn't hesitate to apologize right as it happened, and he did so many kind things to make up for it. He got you your favorite snacks, movies, bath bombs, everything you loved and brought it all together as a big apology gift. He beat himself up more than you ever could.

You didn't talk to him for a day or two, but other than that, you two bounced right back to snuggling, after he helped you bandage your cuts.

"I'm sorry my love, I promised myself I wouldn't hurt you and I did. I can't believe I-"

"Clark, I promise it's okay, I know you were just upset and that the situation was hard for you, but I'm glad she's better now. And I love you, thank you for helping me with my bandages...and getting me all those gifts."

"How can I not? You definitely deserved them after what I did. Can I help make sure you aren't still mad?"

" about snuggling with me while we watch a movie?"

"Of course," Clark chuckled and was relieved, he fixed the situation before it worsened. He was so proud of himself and grateful you stuck around. You two walked to the couch as Clark carried a bunch of snacks, he set them down on the coffee table and laid on the couch so you could use him like a big pillow.

"Come here, we can watch whatever you want."

You laid on him and picked a movie, the two of you forgetting the events earlier that day and just enjoying each other's company.


You were actually the one to approach him after the events that happened a few weeks ago. His work called you asking if he was okay. You didn't know why, but you were soon informed that Barry hadn't been at any of his jobs for a full week, you told them you didn't know and that you'd go check on him. You'll admit, you deserved that hit he gave you, bringing up his mom was not okay, even for you. Barry was sensitive about those things.

You knocked on his door and when he didn't answer, you just burned the chains and locks off. "Barry? Are you in here?" You called out to him, everything was dark, no lights were turned on at all. "Barry?"

"Over here..." His voice was faint and quiet, "Barry, are you okay? Your work called me asking to check on you."

"So you came over just for that?" His voice strained with pain, you felt guilt pull at your soul. "No...actually, I took it as an excuse to some see you, and apologize. I shouldn't have said what I did, and...I'm not really good at these things so I'm sorry about that too. I'm also sorry for burning the chains off the doors outside...but, I'm really sorry for-"

"Why are you apologizing...I'm the one who hit you. I'm abusive, I'm one of those horrible guys who hit their girlfriends when they get mad because they can't handle their own emotions-"

He was shushed by you pressing your finger up to his lips, "Barry, you're adorable. You couldn't abuse me even if you tried. I take stab wounds and laugh at them, gunshot ones are even better. A little slap would hurt me, and I deserved it, so don't worry."

Barry smiled and hugged you tightly, "Still, I'm sorry." His voice was muffled from him hiding his face in the crook of your neck, "It's okay Barry, I forgive you."


You had been silent for months now. You hadn't seen Arthur in that time, and you remained mute regardless of what happened. No reaction to cat calls, no comment when people were mean to you. Nothing. You were so hurt, and the fact that he did it because of what you said made everything worse.

You sat by the shore just a little way from where you two first met, you didn't even call out to any of the animals. You were just....mute.

You heard the sand shuffle and crunch softly behind you and stop, you heard a familiar voice, "Y/n?" You knew who it was and didn't know if you were ready or not. You decided to say nothing. He moved around to face you and sat across from you.

"Y/n? Please talk to me..."

"If talking got me hit in the first place....then I don't wanna speak again..." Your voice barely audible, but enough to break Arthur's heart. Look what he did to you, you didn't want to talk because of him. "Princess, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have hit you like that. You were only speaking the truth. I feel terrible and have been beating myself up about it ever since. Please...please forgive me and come home. I'll do anything..."

Seeing him look so upset was enough for you, but you didn't want to speak. He noticed and quickly added, "And don't feel forced to talk again...I did this...just please let me fix it?"

You waited for a minute before nodding, Arthur looked happy as he picked you up to carry you to where you two were staying, you were happy he was back, and him happy he could hold you again.

His princess...

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