They Ask You Out/Reveals Identity or Powers

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You were with Batman, sitting on a roof looking over Gotham, he turned to you quickly startling you a bit. "Y/N, I don't know your feelings, but I would really like to go on a proper date. Not just jumping around buildings in my suit." You looked at him, excited but not showing it. You didn't want to seem desperate.

"Yes, of course I'd want to go on a date with you, Bats!" He rolled his eyes at your unoriginal nickname, "But, not in your suit?" You questioned, he shook his head.

"No," he grabbed his mask, and looked at you, "Ready?" You nodded and looked at him curiously, he removed his mask fully and looked at you with slight worry in his eyes. "My real name is Bruce Wayne. I got a lot of money...."

"Billionaire Bruce Wayne? I've heard of you. Who would've thought you were Batman?" You laughed a little, he seemed relieved. "Glad you still like me?" He said in a questioning tone, you nodded and laughed, "Of course Bruce, of course."

Diana/Wonder Woman

Diana had asked you to meet her by the lake in the park, you sat on a bench and waited for her, feeding ducks and swans some of your sandwich. You saw a mother duck bring the bread to its ducklings, not eating any of it. You smiled at the mother duck as it quacked, you gave her more bread so she could eat.

"You really like ducks don't you?" A voice said behind you, you turned to see the mighty Wonder Woman standing behind you smiling. You looked at her wide eyed, "W-Wonder Woman? Is there danger nearby?" You stuttered and stood up quickly, the ducks and swans swam away, she chuckled, "No, there isn't." She looked oddly familiar, you looked at her, deeply observing her face. Your eyes widened, "Diana?"

"Hello Y/N," she laughed as you freaked, saying things like 'I can't believe you are Wonder Woman,' 'It makes so much sense,' 'You look amazing,' etc.

She smiled and walked to you, "So, would you like to go on a date sometime?"

You obviously said yes.


You were with Clark, playing Monopoly, you were currently winning. "Yes! I got more money!" You said as Clark handed you the paper payment, he smiled at how excited you were. "This is fun right?" You asked him, he nodded and moved his piece, "Yes, this very fun." He told you, looking down at your empty cup. "Need more coffee/hot chocolate/tea?" He asked.

"Yes please!" You said happily, he grabbed your cup and stood to go to the kitchen, "No cheating, y/n!" He shouted from the kitchen, you just laughed.

He was gone longer than he should've been, you called out to him worried, "Clark?" You got up and walked to the kitchen to find he was gone. You were confused and walked back to the living room to see Superman sitting in front of the board game, looking up at you. "Did you cheat, y/n?"

"Clark?! You're Superman?" You questioned, surprised. He laughed and smiled at you, "Yes, I am. I hope you don't think of me differently because I am a hero."

"Never!" You laughed, he then pulled you towards him, holding your smaller hands in his, "Y/n, I haven't known you for that long, and you just learned my biggest secret, but I feel like there is a special connection between us. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I felt strong feelings with you that I had to suppress because I didn't know how you felt. I'm just going to ask you: Will you make my world, and go on a date with me?" He spoke softly towards the end, you nodded frantically, "Yes! Yes, of course I will!" You hugged him and he gladly returned the embrace.

Barry/The Flash

You came to his hidden home to hang out for a bit, you had run into some thugs that tried to be sexual with you but you beat them until they ran off. You took a few good hits, one wore a ring and split your bottom lip badly, you probably needed stitches. You had a black eye, some bruises from them grabbing you, and your knuckles were skinned from punching their faces over and over. You opened the door to his apartment and walked inside, shutting the door behind you. He looked up from his spot and instantly rushed to you, "Oh my god, y/n! A-Are you okay? You look awful! Come here, sit down I'll help! Oh geez you're bleeding bad...." He grabbed you and pushed you to sit down, you didn't fight him. It was funny seeing him so panicked.

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