They Give You Massage

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Your feet were hurting from working at the coffee shop, a long and hard shift was taking its toll on you. Your feet were so sore from being on your feet for 7 hours with no break. You came home to the Batcave, basically where you live now, and you slowly trudged in, tired and hurting with every step. You made it to Bruce's room and tossed your shoes across the room, falling onto the bed with a small thump. Bruce walked in not that much later and saw you, he sat next to you on the bed and pet your hair, "Hey, how was work?"

"Mmphh...." you groaned into the blankets.

"What's the matter?" You moved to face him, "My feet hurt, I've been on them all day..." Bruce laughed and moved to your feet, grabbing them and rubbing gently at first but gradually deeply massaging them. You moaned, it felt so good.

Like holy crap.

Bruce was great at foot massages....

Diana/Wonder Woman

You finally got to fly again, you flew for hours before returning home, Diana was waiting with your favorite food (because she loves you -3-) and you walked towards the table, your back was so sore from flying you couldn't hold up your wings so they dragged behind you. After you ate, she noticed them dragging behind you, "Dove, are you okay? Is your back sore?"

"Mostly just where my wings come from my back...."

"Let me," she walked over and you laid down on the couch and she started working her hands into your tender back, you groaned and laid your face into the pillow that was on the couch. It felt so nice, you were so glad she offered to massage your back.

"Thanks, Diana, that feels amazing..." your voice was slow and relaxed, she laughed and continued, "Not a problem, Dove."


From painting constantly, your hands were cramping and sore from holding the brushes for a long period of time. Your hands were killing you, if that were possible. When Clark got home from grocery shopping, he found you in the living room groaning. "What's the matter, honey?" He asked and approached you, sitting down on the couch.

"My hands....cut them off please...."

"Why would you want me to cut them off??" He asked confused, you tried bending your fingers, but couldn't. "They're so sore...."

Clark took your hands in his and started rubbing them, soft and gentle but firm, slowly relaxing the muscles in your hands. You groaned, "Clark....that feels good..." He smiled and kissed the hand he was massaging and moved on to the other hand.

"Anything for my little scaredy-cat."

Barry/The Flash

You have been working on your punching bag, sewing it then breaking it, sewing it then breaking it, over and over. Your shoulders became so sore, your neck muscles were tight. Barry walked in, seeing how stiff your movements were. "Are you sore?" He asked, you attempted to shrug your shoulders but it hurt, you winced and grabbed one of your shoulders in pain. He chuckled, "Can't even be sarcastic, huh?" You growled at him, he put his arms up defensively, "Hey, hey, no need to be hostile. Let me help," he walked over and you sat down in a chair. He moved your hair to one side and starting massaging your shoulders and neck, even going down your arms a little bit.

"Shit...that feels so good, Barry..." He blushed listening to you moan and kept going until he felt your muscles relax.

"Thank you, my sweet sugar plum," you tilted your head back and grabbed both sides of his face, pulling his lips to yours.


You have been working, so your legs started to hurt after a while. You groaned when you walked to Victor's house, collapsing on the couch, Victor looked at you curiously, "Are you alright?"

"My legs hurt from walking and running everywhere in the hospital...." You started rubbing your thigh, but his hand quickly replaced yours, his mechanical fingers rubbed up and down your entire leg, focusing on the major muscles. When he got to your calfs you almost moaned out but held it in, that might've been awkward for both of you.

"Victor, that feels amazing, you really are doing a great job." He smiled at you, "Well, my arms and fingers don't get tired so I can work at the same pace as I started."

"I love you...."

"I love you too, sweetie."


You've been having lower back pains from cleaning the cages of animals at the animal shelter, you volunteered to help since they are short-staffed. When you met Arthur at the parlor after your work, he noticed your stiff walk. "How'd work go? How were the animals?"

"Well, most of them are going to good homes, but there are some that are still there. My back is a little stiff..."

After you guys got a drink you left to go to your house, when you two entered the living room, he told you to lay down on the floor. You did as he asked and you felt him rub your back but he wasn't really getting the right spot.

"Arthur, it's more my lower back..." He looked at you and smirked, moving his hands right above your butt, starting to feel the firm muscles, he massaged them for a while, sneaking in some lower messages, you kept snapping at him, he found that amusing.

"You have a nice butt, princess."

"Hush and keep rubbing fish boy."

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