Hanging Out

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You wondered about the Batman, you wanted to see him again. To properly thank him for taking the time out of his night to help you. Your cut was healing nicely, you didn't need stitches, thank god, but it still hurt like hell. You walked to the same alleyway that you met and waited there.

You waited....

And waited.....

And guess what?

Waited some more.

Finally, just before you left, you heard something in the darkness, you turned and saw Batman walk from the shadows, "I've been hoping I'd get the chance to see you again," he spoke in his deep voice, "Now that you're here, want to join me for a nightly walk....on top of buildings? I don't like the ground very much." You smiled and nodded, glad you got to see him again.

Diana/Wonder Woman

You were excited when Diana invited you to get some coffee one afternoon, after all, you found her very attractive. As you walked into the coffee shop, you saw her sitting at a booth, she looked amazing. You sat down in front of her nervously, you knew this wasn't a date, but it really felt like it.

"Afternoon, Diana," was all you could say, mentally kicking yourself for what you said. What a dumb thing to say....She looked up and smiled at you, "Afternoon, Miss Y/N." She chuckled at you as you smiled at her with glee. Yeah, this wasn't a date, no, but you were as happy as if it were one.


You wanted to see the guy in the cornfields again so you went back to around the same area you got lost at. You wandered until you found the clearing to the white house he lives in. You were too shy to go up and ring the doorbell, so you sat in the field and waited for him to come outside, you wanted to pretend you were lost again, just to give an excuse to see him.

He finally came out and looked in your direction, you hid but something told you that he knew you were there. As if he could read your mind, he moved some stalks and looked at you sitting in the soil, "Hello again. I'm guessing you aren't as lost as you were before, seeing you've found my house twice now."

"Twice?" You tilted your head to the side, not knowing that he knew you were there the first time. "Well, do you want to come in for some hot chocolate or sit out here in the incoming rain?" You noticed the dark storm clouds, you smiled nervously, "I'll come inside." You looked up at him as he lead you inside his house for some hot chocolate.

Barry/The Flash

After the encounter with Bolt...ahem...The Flash....you wanted to see him again, not that it was so important to you, but the fact that he helped you kind of made you feel strange. You didn't know how to deal with the feeling you got. Maybe it was gratitude? No, that's not it. Happiness? No. Too cheesey. Maybe you liked him? You've met him ONCE come on....no way you could, you didn't even know who he was.

You were walking through the same area you two met and weren't thinking when he appeared out of nowhere, "H-Hey! It's me again! Remember me, Flash, or maybe you'll remember Bolt?" He stuttered out and waved enthusiastically, you smiled in amusement, getting a better look at him now that you were closer. You were right....he was cute, he reminded you of a puppy, he never really stopped moving, shuffling in his feet, kind of bouncy, his big brown eyes, etc.

"I've been coming here every day waiting to see if you'd pass through here! And you did!" He basically squealed, you chuckled at him and his excitement. "So, do you want to chill or somethin'?" You asked smoothly, being completely calm, he nodded quickly and you guys went for a little 'jog' around Gotham.


You have been wondering about Victor since you met him and wanted to meet him again but decided you wouldn't go out of your way to do so unless something was absolutely necessary. You were walking past his house, since you take the road to get to your apartment at the end of the street, and just decided to say hello.

You walked up to the door and knocked, Victor answered, as expected, and looked surprised to see you. (Through what you could see, his hoodie hid a lot). "Um, hello Victor, I just wanted to say hi and make sure your day is going good." Your tone was open and friendly, he scoffed to himself, "Well, if you want to hear about my day, come on inside and we can have some coffee/tea/favorite beverage and talk." He said in his usual voice. You smiled and gladly accepted the invitation.


You've been having thoughts about the man by the sea, you even had a dream about him. It was him saving you from sharks, you thought he was so heroic in that dream. But in real life, you didn't know him, you didn't even know his name, maybe he was just some guy who decided to help you and move on, just like everyone else. He just took an extra step....helping you. You wanted to thank him but you are half mute, you can't talk to people. There is a reason, you just can't tell anyone.

You thought of the man, his blue eyes were so beautiful, they were just as untamed as the sea, he was wild, and gorgeous. Damn. You may be very shy but that doesn't keep you from imagining.

You went to the sea, seeing the big rock you sat on and met him, you tried swimming out to it but the current was too strong, you'd be swept away. You sat on some coral and thought about him, he probably wouldn't even come to see you. You can't talk, after all. You looked up to see a stream of water coming at you and stopping a little in front of you. Looking in the water you see the man of the sea come out and look at you, "Hello again. You must really enjoy freezing in this water huh?" You looked away blushing, he picked you up and took you to shore offering to buy a coffee/hot chocolate to warm you up. You nodded and walked to the parlor with him.

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