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His nightmare: Bruce started tossing and turning next to you, you got up and looked at him, seeing he was clearly having a nightmare, he kept moaning and mumbling as he turned. " her alone...." was all you could make out from his muttering. You started shaking him, "Bruce, Bruce.....? Babe, wake up!" You started out by quietly saying his name but he wouldn't wake so you had to raise your voice. He finally opened his eyes and jerked up, you jumped back and looked at him in the dark, worried about him. "Bruce?"

He turned and hugged you tightly, "You're alright...." he spoke softly, you nodded and hugged him back smiling, "Yes, of course Bruce, I'm fine...did you have a nightmare?" You knew it was a dumb question, but you wanted to try talking to him.


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't want to even think about it."

"Okay, bats, come here...." You laid down and he put his head on your chest and laid between your legs, wrapping his arms around you. He knew you were safe, that's all that mattered. He felt bad for not talking to you, you were his other half, you deserved to know what was going on. "You died, you were killed, I was right there.....I just couldn't get to you." He spoke in your chest, you stroked his head comfortingly and kissed the top of his head. "Don't worry, babe, I'm here, I'm okay. Nothing is gonna hurt me."

You held him tighter, "I can foresee attacks or danger remember? I can avoid bad things." He sighed and held you in place, he didn't want to let you go. He never wanted to face the day you might die. It would never happen, you were strong and powerful. He was afraid but he hid it well, confident you were able to take care of yourself. He loved you so much, you were his. You were his. No one else could take him from you, he wouldn't let happen, neither would you.

Your nightmare: You have been having pretty bad nightmares, you didn't say anything to Bruce, you didn't want him to worry about you when he was so busy working. You were currently sleeping alone, he was finishing some work, you were having a nightmare.

'Bruce, Bruce please help me!' Joker was beating you with a crowbar, breaking bones and more. Blood splattered in every direction. Your hero was nowhere to be seen. 'Hahahaha! Your Bruce-y ain't comin' for ya! Yur all mine!' He brought the crowbar down once more and you woke before it could hit you. You were crying, unable to stop the tears. You haven't met the Joker but you know he is crazy and he could come for you.

You got out of bed and walked out to see Bruce working on one of his gloves on his suit. He heard you sniffling from the doorway and turned to you, he set his glove down and rushed over, seeing you closer he could see your puffy eyes, he put his hands on your shaking shoulders and rubbed them, "What happened, are you alright?" You burst into more tears and cried into his chest. He embraced you comfortingly and shushed you. You couldn't hold in your tears, you held him tightly as he rubbed your back, "Shhh, it's okay, you're alright, I'm here." He whispered to you, you slowly stopped crying.

"B-Bruce....Joker k-killed me....he beat m-me...." you rubbed your cheeks with the base of your palm, wiping tears away. Bruce looked at you with a serious look, "That will NOT happen. I will not let it." He put his hands on your cheeks, "You will always be safe with me. I promise." He kissed you and came to bed with you.

Diana/Wonder Woman

Her nightmare: Diana rarely gets nightmares, the last one she had, well, she doesn't even remember. She was taking a short nap while you went fly, her nightmare was so real she thought you were dead.

'You were fighting, side by side, using your wings to deflect attacks and protect her from danger though she could protect herself pretty well. You always became so brave when fighting, especially with her. You wanted to protect her with all your might, she admired how brave you became, it made her so proud. You flew towards an enemy but they grabbed you by your wings, you did your best to fight them, but they tore your wings away like they were nothing.

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