You Get Hurt :(

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You were meditating alone for the day, Bruce said he was busy and you didn't mind that since you've been wanting to meditate for a while. You lit the candles and closed your eyes, you crossed your legs and started taking deep breaths. You relaxed quickly, your mind cleared after breathing (your favorite scented candle). You subconsciously smiled at how relaxed you were for the first time in a while, you were in your own world. In fact, you were so deep into meditating you didn't hear Bruce yelling your name as the light above you broke and fell on top of your head, knocking you out cold and splitting your head open, leaving a large gash.

You woke up in Bruce's bed, your head throbbed as the blood pumped through your body. You slowly felt the wrap, you could tell you had stitches because you felt the foreign thread stitched inside your skin. Bruce entered the room with a bowl of hot soup, he sighed in relief seeing you awake. "Oh thank god," he rushed to the bedside as quick as he could without spilling the soup. One of the rare times he would make you food and he filled the bowl too much, silly Bats. "Hey...what happened?" You murmured as he came close, he gave you a worried look, "A lightbulb fell out of the light that you were under and it broke on your head. Your head split open and you had to go to the hospital togged stitches. You've been asleep for three days." Your eyes widened in surprise, "Three days?" You were so confused.

"Yes, but I'm glad you're awake now. And I'm glad you're okay." Bruce smiled sweetly and he began feeding you the soup, and was the best soup you've had.


Training was really hard lately, Diana never pushed you more than you wanted, but lately she's been trying to get you to increase your training sessions. You've been sore for the longest time, especially around your shoulders, the weight of your wings with punching and kicking constantly was to tiring. Diana loved you and cared for you a lot so it was hard for you to say no to her. One day, you were especially tired and she wanted to practice your punching. You sighed but agreed so you could see her beautiful smile, you had the wings but she was the true angel.

"Come on, my love, you can punch it harder!" Diana encouraged you, you had been punching the boxing bag for half an hour, you were doing pretty well too. Your fist was cramping as you sped up your punches and gave them more power. "That's it!" She shouted and hit the stone pillar that held the bag up, the force of her hitting the pillar made it crack where the bag was hanging. As you drew back for the heaviest punch, the bag fell completely and you threw your swing right into the stone pillar. A gruesome crack sounded through the room and the two of you froze, your eyes widened at the sound.

"Oh my god!" Diana panicked, seeing your distorted, broken hand and wrist. It made her nauseous. It made you feel sick too, because you didn't feel it. "D-Diana..."

"Let's go!" She rushed you to the hospital where you got the right care, she apologized and you forgave her. She stayed with you until you got to leave the hospital...and the two of you went and got ice cream.


You were helping Clark fix an old truck, he had the car hoisted up as he was fixing something on the underneath. "Darling, can you hand me that tool by your feet?"

"Yes I can!" You handed him the tool, he took it and started tightening something, you sat next to him as he finished, he moved out of under the car still holding it with his hand. "Alright it should be done, we just have to start it now." He said proudly, you giggled as he put the car down slowly, but the tire was loose and popped off causing the car to fall down on your leg. You screamed in shock and pain, Clark immediately lifted the car again, seeing a clear break in your shin bone. A large dent was formed and your leg looked crooked, you panicked at the sight and he flew you to the hospital and you got the surgery to fix your leg.

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