When You Give Them Hickeys

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Heads up! I stopped writing for Victor because I noticed people don't really read for him and some of you asked me to stop because they don't read his, and tbh it's a hassle for me to write for him. I find it really hard to write for his character. I'm sorry to those who like him! I'll do one shots of him just not for these preferences!! Sorry again!!



You leave him bites after sex or heated makeout sessions, always. It's a must, really. All those girls flirt with him because he's got a big bank account, they try to charm him for money and you knew they did. To solve this problem, you marked him as yours. So when you aren't with him, they'd know Bruce Wayne is taken. When the others point it out, he might get a little pink, but he'd ignore it for the most part.


Diana loves when you mark her, but sometimes she gets a little shy about other people seeing them. It's not because she doesn't want others to know she's taken, it's just because she is a modest and polite woman. She'd rather keep her love life on a low key, she gets slightly uncomfortable when people point out her marks. But deep inside, she smiles to herself, 'Y/n...'


You like giving him marks, but most are on accident. You get a little to crazy during sex and leave many marks. Clark never complains, however. He loves them and feeling you give the marks to him. He walks with pride knowing people see them, but when people ask about them, he just smiles and says you made them.


Barry...sweet, shy, awkward Barry....you leave marks on him just to embarrass him. Kissing, having sex, or just because you're laying on him while watching tv. You make them dark and you often bite while your making them, it might sting, and Barry may beg for you to stop because his coworkers will see, but you don't. You make sure he can't cover them up, no matter how much foundation he uses. When asked, he gets super embarrassed and his face turns red, stuttering a lie about falling or getting hit by a ball.


Arthur freaking loves getting marked by you, he will rub it in everyone's face saying you're the best girlfriend ever. Saying how much he loves you and bragging about how you're better than everyone else. He loves the feeling of your tongue rubbing over the raw skin after you give him a hickey. To pay you back, he gives you two, then the cycle starts all over again. In the end, you both end up covered in hickeys. 

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