They're Worried ;(

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You haven't really been talking, you've been showing a lot of anger. You get irritated at the smallest things and snap. Bruce started to worry about you because you weren't acting like you. He approached you as you were writing some things on your computer for an online school/college class. You looked so focused Bruce didn't want to interrupt you but he needed to know what was going on. He approached you slowly, hoping not to aggravate you any more than you already are.

He came up to you and sat next to you on the couch, you were zoned into your screen, typing fast without mistakes. You didn't look at him, you needed to get this paper done. "Hey, you've been acting strange everything okay?" He spoke in a concerning voice. You groaned in frustration and ran your fingers through your hair, "No, Bruce, I have to finish this essay by tonight and my teacher decided to tell the class TODAY. I only have a few hours. My teacher keeps doing this. Giving us assignments with only a limited time to do them. I can't take this pressure, it's so stressful!" You were so frustrated, your voice was low and you had a growl as you spoke.

Bruce sighed and he rubbed your back as you massage your temples with your fingers. "It's gonna be alright, you can do it. What's the essay about?"

"(Subject in school)" you lowly spoke.

"Here, I can help. You'll ace this essay, I know it, especially if I help out."

Bruce was right too, you did ace it.

Diana/Wonder Woman

You had been feeling so sad lately, you wouldn't eat or really sleep. Diana noticed and quickly took action, trying to encourage you to eat or sleep by making your favorite foods or laying down with you. Nothing really helped, she wanted to know what was wrong so she could fix it.

"Dove, why have you been so down? A sad angel isn't a good angel..."

"I clipped my wing, I haven't been able to fly. I have to wait for my wing to heal. It takes a week or two." You spoke laying in a hammock in your house, your wings draped to the floor. Diana sighed, she saw the wing that kept you from flying. I guess when someone has an ability to feel free whenever you want, and that is taken from them, it really takes its toll. "I'm grounded."

She laughed a bit when you said that, you glared at her, she stopped almost right away. "Dove, don't feel sad, it will grow back soon and then you'll be able to fly wherever you want. Just, don't leave me for too long." She winked at you making you smile back at her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just sad that I can't get up into the air."

"I know, and don't worry. It will happen quicker than you think."

She kissed your cheek making you blush.


You have been very upset, you keep eating, non-stop. Even after a meal you still go into the kitchen and get food. Clark was getting worried, you have never eaten this much. He walked to the kitchen seeing you cut up fruit and cheese, a big plate full of crackers and various types of sausage were sprawled out, you added the cheese and some of the fruits. "Y/n, is something wrong? You've been eating an awful lot lately. You shook your head, "N-No! Nothing is wrong, I'm fine!" Clark looked at you with a frown, you were lying, he knew that. "Darling, what's wrong? I know you're lying to me." You looked up at him and sighed in defeat. Why does he have to be so good at reading you?

"Fine....I've been having stomach aches, I feel like I need to eat all the time. I don't know why, the doctor said it will go away, but I have been trying to stop eating, I just can't help it. It hurts if I don't eat."

"Are you pregnant?"

"W-What? No! I'm definitely NOT pregnant Clark!" You shouted a little horrified he would think that. "The doctor said to try cutting down but I can't. He says it's from stress, I've been painting so much I haven't been eating regular meals."

"Well, if you haven't been eating you should probably take some breaks. Come on, let's go watch a movie or something, relax a bit." Clark was concerned and wanted to help, you agreed after thinking about it for a moment.

You really enjoyed the movie, and fell asleep on his chest.

Barry/The Flash

You have been WAY more aggressive than usual. Getting into twice as many fights as you usually would, and that also means more dangerous fights. You have been so angry, the punching bag Barry got you as a way to let your anger out broke form you punching it so much. First, you knocked it down, then you punched it until all the sand burst onto the floor. Barry saw you have been so tense, he noticed more bruises and skinned knuckles. He didn't force you to talk to him, he didn't want you to get mad at him.

What pushed Barry over the edge, however, is when you came home late one night from your job with bloodied knuckles, deep, purple bruises, a split lip, cuts, and a stab wound.

Barry. Freaked.

You walked into his apartment holding your side, smiling and greeting him, he was so scared you were going to die. You were fine, it wasn't that deep. "Oh my god! Y/n! What were you thinking!? You could've died!" He kept rambling on as he treated your wounds. You started stitching your bottom lip, Barry stitched your side, apologizing every time he pierced your skin, you told him it didn't hurt.

After he made sure you were fine, he scolded you about being careful, you could've died, why would you go out and fight someone, blah blah blah. You smirked at how worried he was. You acted like you didn't care about it that much, but you really appreciated it.


You have been working so much you lost track of other important things like sleeping or eating. You started to lose some weight but not that much, like 5-8 pounds. You still looked the same, but healthier. Victor disagreed. He noticed right away, he hadn't seen you for so long because of your work, he saw how dehydrated you were, exhausted and hungry. He pulled you inside and laid you on the couch, went into the other room and ordered a pizza. He came back with water and a blanket.

"You need food, water, and rest. This isn't healthy, y/n. Please eat when the pizza gets here, then you need to sleep. You aren't going to work until you look better."

Victor was so sweet when he was concerned, you liked it when you guys were together. He walked to the door and paid the delivery boy and came back with the pizza box. He handed you a slice and you two ate together on the couch watching (favorite show). After you ate he basically forced you to sleep, you got some good rest at his house.

Probably the best rest you've gotten in a couple weeks.


You have been talking around Arthur now, you aren't scared to speak to him anymore but around others you are still working on it. But lately, you haven't been talking at all. Arthur was worried and wanted to know what was going on to make you mute again. He walked up to you when you came to his house and greeted you, as expected, you said nothing. Though he had a technique, he was going to guilt you into talking. Sneaky bastard.

"Princess, why won't you talk to me? Do you not like me anymore?" He spoke to you, making it sound like he was sad on purpose. You looked up and shook your head frantically.

"Then what is it? I can't guess." He folded his arms waiting for you to answer. You had to, he thought you didn't like him anymore.

"My dog had recently passed, I'm just....really sad right now..." You muttered to your love, he unfolded his arms and looked down, "O-Oh...I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't know..." You shrugged and told him it was alright, you just were pretty down. He picked you up and walked to the ice cream parlor and bought you the biggest ice cream they sold. Sure, it didn't make up for a loss for a pet, but it helped that he was there caring for you.

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