He/She Likes You// You Like Him/Her

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Him: Naturally, he was a very bruting hero. He kept romance and relationships away seeing no one perked his interest....except for you. For some reason, you made him feel differently, he wanted to see you all the time, to have you around him at all times. He admired your independance, when you smiled it made his stomach warm, like he had butterflies. Alfred had been telling him to go on a date, maybe he should.

You: Honestly, how could you put words to how you feel? He was dark, quiet, bruting, but something about him made you want to be around him. He made you feel safe, obviously, he was Batman. But you always assumed that he wouldn't be interested in dating. You really liked him, he helped you when you were in danger, he made you feel warm, you wanted to go on a date, maybe see who he is under the mask?

Diana/Wonder Woman

Her: She had lost a past boyfriend and secluded herself from everyone, she lost herself to loneliness. When she finally decided to get over her sadness, a part of her stayed asleep, her love. She never thought she'd find someone else to love, yet here you are. Her feelings grew in the small time she knew you, something told her that you were different from the rest. She wanted to become more than friends.

You: Obviously, you found her to be the most gorgeous human you ever have seen! Her eyes sparkled, her hair was always perfect, her smile made you smile. You liked her a lot but you were scared she wouldn't like you in the way you liked her, because of her past boyfriend and all. You didn't even know if she liked girls? If she didn't, your heart would probably break. Hopefully, she does like you....


Him: He found you very amusing, as you hung out your childish side emerged and he laughed as you laughed. You both ran through the fields and jumped in the puddles the rain made, you attempted to play around and knock him off his feet, obviously that didn't work, and you fell backwards. He loved how friendly and bubbly you were, he enjoyed how open and fun you were. The fact that you didn't care about what others thought made him fall for you, how head strong you can be when the time comes. He did, fall for you.

You: You thought he was a very handsome man, he helped you more than once and offered to shelter you from the weather. You really loved how caring he was, at the time only meeting you once. You got so excited, since you already knew you liked him from the first meeting. He was so buff, he had a great smile, and his personality was as kind as it could be. He was very strong and helped you carry things that were too heavy. You really loved that about him.

Barry/The Flash

Him: Wow, where to begin? You were so....fiesty. Aggressive, short-tempered, forward, you stood your ground and refused to let anyone by. You were very stubborn too, you continued to hang out and he saw you after fights, plenty of bruises bloodied knuckles, split lips, and a black eye or two. He always became concerned, worrying and asking if you were alright. You refused to let him help you, saying it was alright, it doesn't hurt, etc. He really cared about you, he wanted to do anything to help and often treated your wounds even though they weren't that bad. He was scared for you, what if you got into a fight you couldn't win? He admired your fiery personality, the way you became protective over him when you both would run into some men in alleys made him smile. But something told him you wouldn't lose, to anyone. He wouldn't fight you, even with his speed. He liked you a lot and wanted to be with you.

You: What can you say? The badass, leather jacket, motorcycle riding chick, has developed feelings for someone. After you thought you couldn't, you wouldn't fall for anyone. You were a lone-wolf, you didn't need anyone to take care of you nor did you want to take care of anyone else....well, things change. Shit happens. You'll admit, he looked cute through his mask, ((you've never seen him without it)), he really reminded you of an excited dog. He always bounced or twitched, when you called his 'name' he'd immediately look at you with all his attention, he made you giggle. You did like him, you wouldn't push any feelings away with this one, you wanted him for yourself.


Him: He was a monster, in his words, he didn't know who he was, he could hear everything in his mind that could be accessible through a computer. He felt at war with himself, but when you were around, he felt safe. He felt like he belonged. You never saw him without his clothes but you did see the glowing light from his eye and chest. You didn't mind, he even asked if you did. Whatever it was you didn't care, you always made him feel normal again. He really enjoyed being around you, how caring and friendly you were. His dad even liked you, he told Victor that you were perfect. The fact that you didn't care about appearance gave him hope, hope that he could find love even if he was all metal.

You: You really loved how shy Victor seemed, he showed signs of insecurities and never let you see too much of his face, he did look at you once or twice, but you never saw his metal, since those times were in the dark with little light. You liked how he opened up to you the more you hung out, he became more talkative, a little friendlier. You found him quite charming, the little things he did, he gave you flowers one night when you stopped by as a thanks for hanging around. He was sweet, you hoped he would ask you on a date soon.


Him: At first, he didn't know what to think, he was confused. You didn't talk, you acted like a child being scolding when he saw you the first time. After him buying you a drink at the harbor's parlor, he decided he did enjoy being with you. Sure, you didn't talk, but he has heard you sing, so he knows you can speak. He is making it his mission to get you to speak to him, he wants to hear how soft and beautiful your voice is. He did do most of the talking with you, enjoying the blush that forms on your cheeks when he gave you a random compliment or just by speaking. He found you adorable and wanted you to be his mermaid.

You: You were surprised he even spoke to you, seeing how you don't really talk. You really liked him, he was a very attractive guy. His dark hair with his bright blue eyes made your knees weak, his eyes were so beautiful. They might be your favorite thing about him, besides him not showing that he minds that you don't talk. You liked that a lot, he brought you to the parlor a lot, that was your go-to hang out spot. You had always brought money but the king of the sea always paid, for your hot chocolate and his whiskey. You really admired how manly and dominate he was, it made you feel special that he kept asking you to hang out. Maybe you guys could go as a date?

((Barry's is a little longer than the rest but what can I say, he's my sweet little angel <3

Thank you so much for reading!))

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