They Discover Your Abilities

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You were sitting with Bruce in the batcave, he was working on something by the table, you wanted to test your abilities and you had the perfect lab rat. "Hey, what are you thinking about Bruce?" he looked over to you and mumbled 'nothing,' he was so concentrated. You read his mind, his thoughts were scrambled everywhere.

'Crap that piece doesn't go there, shit.'

'Goddamn it....'

'Where should I take y/n for our date? A fancy restaurant perhaps? I want it to be special....something she'll remember.'

You smiled, "You don't need to take me to an expensive place for our date Bruce, as long as it's with you, I don't care where we go." He looked at you stunned, "How did you know I was thinking that?"

"I can read minds. No big deal," you looked away closing your eyes, he was skeptical. "Alright, what am I thinking about right now?"

You read his mind, 'apple pie.'

"Wow really Bruce? Apple pie."

His eyes widened, "Holy shit, you can read minds, so you are a metahuman. I had a feeling about you, now that I know I'm right, I get $20." You gave him a confused look, "Me and Alfred made a bet."

"Nice Bruce, nice." He laughed as you shut your eyes, taking a small nap.

Diana/Wonder Woman

You wanted to take a stress fly, you took your shirt off leaving you in a tank top, your wings started to become visible and you stretched them, it felt good to spread them out. You were about to take to the sky when you heard someone say your name, "Y-Y/n?" You turned to see Diana looking at you in shock, "You've got wings?" You shrugged and nodded, "I don't like people knowing, people say that I'm a freak for having them."

"I think you look like an angel...." She approached you and reached her hand up, "Can I...." You extended your wing to touch her hand, she ran her fingers through your feathered wing, "It's so soft, and warm...." Her touch was gentle, it made you shiver. She smiled, "If you're worried about me not liking you because you have wings, you're wrong. This just makes you my angel," She smiled at you kindly. You blushed and your wings fluttered, she laughed and hugged you.


You were sitting at Clark's home watching some tv, it was so quiet in the house you were getting uncomfortable. You called out for Clark, but you didn't get an answer, you got up and looked for him through the house and couldn't find him. You were turning to go back to the living room but he jumped out of nowhere, "Boo!" He shouted, startling you so bad it activated your power. You screamed and covered your face, turning invisible on the spot, he looked confused and surprised. "Y-Y/n, where did you go? Are you invisible?"

You stuttered towards him still taking in the scare, "Y-yes, I can turn invisible, it comes in handy I guess....I just can't control it completely. I have trouble turning back." He laughed and held his hands out, "Take my hands and just breathe." You did as he told and took a deep breath, held it for a couple seconds, then let it out, you slowly became visible again. He smiled at you, "There you go, see? Just take a deep breath and you'll have control."

"Thanks, Clark, I've been having a lot of problems."

"Of course, Y/n, invisibility is a pretty cool ability. I'd be happy to have it." You laughed a little, "Well yeah, I can sneak by people pretty easily."

"Not me," he rubbed his nose on yours, you smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, "Sure, big guy."

Barry/The Flash

You sat inside Barry's apartment, bored as he was working on his suit, making it look cleaner and such. Your needed to let out some energy, you got up and punched the wall as hard as you could. This scared the crap out of Barry who turned around so fast he could've snapped his neck, "Y/n what was that for!? That scared me!"

"Sorry, I just, I need to release some energy. I need to hit something!" He stayed away from you a little cautious of you. "Well....I could try looking for a punching bag to hang up in here, if that helps you at all." You shook your head, "I just can't....I feel so strange....I am really hot...." This concerned Barry and he walked over to you and put his hand on your forehead, but immediately retracted his hand with his face contorted in pain. "Ouch! Damn you are hot, like you're burning!" He looked at his hand and rubbed it, you backed away, you felt your temperature rising. "I need to get out...." Barry looked at you, "No, you need to lie down, you have a fever!"

You ran out the door, hearing him call for you, you kept running and fell on the ground, you felt like you were was happening again. You looked at your hands as fire erupted out of your hands. "Fuck!" You shouted painfully, everytime this happens it hurts, eventually the pain dies down but the fire never does. "Y/n! What is happening!?" Barry shouted from the doorway, you screamed as the fire consumed your body.

You always lose control.

You always hurt other people around you.

"Please get away, I'll hurt you!" You shouted back at him, you looked up seeing his face, he was so worried. You felt terrible, you couldn't control any of this, you could hurt him. You felt cold tears run down your cheeks, the fire died down as our tears fell. Barry ran to you and embraced you tightly, "You can control fire? That's pretty sweet. I think you're pretty hot and that's probably why." He joked and you laughed with him.


You were shadowing nurses again when Victor called you with a scared tone, "Y-Y/n, please, if you can, come to my house with an ambulance. My dad won't get up, I don't know what's wrong with him." You immediately took off yelling you needed to leave. You bolted to his house and threw the door open, running to their aid.

"Y/n! Where is the ambulance?!" He shouted, crying out of his good eye, you smiled with determination, "Right here." With that you generated a yellow glowing field around the three of you, after a couple seconds, his dad woke up, Victor smiled in happiness.

"Dad! You're alright!" They hugged and then Victor turned to you, "So, you make fields of healing?"

"Something like that. They're capable of healing any wound except death, and can block any weapon." You told him as-a-matter-of-factly. He smiled and thanked you over and over, his dad thanked you too. You were glad he still liked you even though you had powers.


The two of you were walking through the forest, something he was doing for you, when you stopped on your tracks. You moved in front of Arthur and put your hands up as if you were telling him to 'stay' and 'wait here.'

"Alright, doll. What's up?" He smirked, you turned away and shut your eyes, starting to sing again, all of a sudden, birds, deer, squirrels, rabbits, ducks, any woodland creature you could think of appeared, attracted to your music. This made Arthur greatly impressed, "So, you communicate with animals then? You're a real disney princess!" He laughed, you blushed and reached your hand out, a deer coming up and touching its head with your hand. You then reached for Arthur's hand and connected it with the deer's head, he smiled and pet the deer with you.

"You are now a princess, my princess." He bowed dramatically, making you smile and he grabbed your hand and kissed the top of it like a gentlemen. "M'lady," you giggled a little bit, making himself feel proud. 

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