How You Meet!

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You were walking through town at night coming from your job at one of the coffee shops, you were exhausted from working a 9 hour shift, dealing with the rude customers of Gotham. No one appreciated you at your job either, your boss was rude and overworked you because you were young and attractive. You turned around a building and a hand grabbed your hair and pulled you into an alleyway. The man put a knife to your neck and growled, "Give me your money and if you make a sound I'll slick your neck wide open!"

You started crying and frantically opened your purse, he yanked it from you and searched it. You cried and he looked at you, "I said shut up!" He reached up and sliced at you but he grazed your cheek instead of your throat. You shut your eyes tightly preparing yourself for a stab but it never came, instead you saw Batman standing over you. He reached a hand out to you, you took it reluctantly. He looked at you with a silent gaze and handed you your purse with all of your belongings before turning away, "Goodbye." He disappeared into the darkness, you stood in shock before leaving the alleyway.

You got home safely, without another attack.

Diana/Wonder Woman

You were at a fancy party when you first saw Diana, she was beautiful in her golden dress. You wanted to talk to her but were too shy and nervous. She noticed you and walked over, making you sweat a little bit, she smiled a gorgeous smile and greeted you, "Hello, my dear friend told me you were eyeing me from across the room, my name is Diana. May I ask you name, dear?" Her voice was soft and silky, your legs felt like jello.

"M-My name is....y-y/n....nice to meet y-you!" You stuttered out. You were very shy when it came to talking to someone you fancied, and someone as beautiful as Jaw dropping. She laughed a little bit at your nervousness, you blushed a dark pink.

"You look very lovely tonight, y/n. Your dress is very beautiful." She complimented you, you looked up in surprise. "M-Me? I look like nothing compared to you! You are absolutely stunning!" You didn't realize what you said, you blushed once again and nervously laughed, she smiled at you.

You hoped that you could see her more after this party.


You were working on a painting for the art museum, the owner had asked for something with passion, strong emotions, something meaningful. You couldn't really think of anything so you started to bike down the countryside. You always enjoyed the country, it was so relaxing and the sunsets were so beautiful. You came across a huge cornfield and being playful at heart you decided to run through it, jumping around and giggling as birds flew next to you, making you feel like a disney princess.

You stopped at a clearing and saw a small white house, seeing a man walking outside carrying some wood. He stopped walking for a moment and you backed into the corn stalks in an attempt to hide, it seemed to work because he walked inside. You turned around to leave but after walking for a bit you were lost. The cornfield was just too big and it was getting dark. You sat down and shivered at the temperature dropped, giving up hope for the night, it was too dark for you to see where to go anyway. You heard a crunching sound and looked up quickly to see a man in front of you, a very handsome man, "Are you lost, miss?" He helped you to your feet, you stuttered out a yes, he smiled. "I can take you home, if you'd like." He offered to you, but you quickly told him that that wasn't necessary.

"N-No! Just to my bike is fine! It's around here somewhere...." You told him nervously, he nodded and took you to your bike, you thanked him and he smiled at you before saying goodbye. Hopefully you could see the handsome man again.

Barry/The Flash

You were in the middle of an intense fight with this guy who thought he could just come up, slap your ass, and get away with it. You weren't having any of this bullshit. You hooked him right in the jaw, he stumbled back surprised at your hard blow. People around you turned their heads as you threw punch after punch, cursing the guy out and calling him every name under the sun. After you were satisfied with the amount of blood on your hands, you kicked dirt into the guy's crimson stained face.

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