You're The Flash?-Barry Allen One-Shot

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This imagine/one-shot was suggested by @lovethewayithurts 

Thanks so much for the suggestion! Hope you like it!

You were currently snuggling on the couch with your wonderful boyfriend, Barry, watching Rick and Morty, eating pizza. Well, he was devouring pizza. He ate most of it, you had maybe two and a half pieces? You don't remember how many pieces he had, just that he has had at least three times as many as you. He held you closer as the next episode started, your legs intertwined, his arms around your waist, your head on his chest. The both of you were relaxed and happy so when your phone buzzed and you saw you needed to go pick up a friend, you groaned in annoyance and he pouted.

You got off the couch and grabbed your coat, kissing Barry and leaving to pick up your friend. You got into your car and drove to meet your friend wherever he/she said they were. The locations they sent brought you to an old, boarded up bar. Weathered and torn up, you got out of your car and looked for your friend but couldn't find them. You decided to call, since it would be easier, you grabbed your phone from your back pocket and dialed their number.

The phone rang until it shut off, meaning they didn't answer. You huffed in annoyance and decided to walk around the bar, this lead you to an alley where you found your friend's jacket, it had some green goop on it. You touched it to see what it was and it was incredibly slimy and warm? Why was it warm? "Ew..." you flicked your wrist, throwing the liquid off your fingers. You grabbed his/her jacket and turned to put it in your car when you heard a weird noise, like a wild animal or something. You turned to see something staring at you, it looked like a person but now that you were really looking you could see it had bug-like qualities.

"What the..."

The creature lunged at you, clawing your arm and throwing you into the wall of a building. You screamed as it's claws hit you, they burned. It attempted to grab you and fly off but you felt a strong wind and saw a bright light for a millisecond, then bolts of lightning coming from every direction. The creature hissed and flew off quickly, you felt yourself get picked up and then you were back at the warehouse?


The Flash is here. Where is Barry? Is he friends with a superhero? No, no one actually knew these people. All they knew is that they help protect the world. Flash was literally sparking around the house, then he was right in front of you. You jumped at his sudden presence, he bent down and looked at you, "Where is my boyfriend? What did you do with him?" He smirked through his mask, you were honestly freaked out, you were just attacked by some bug creature and now Flash was looking at you, inside of Barry's home.

He didn't say anything, he only looked at you, you looked back, but into his eyes.

Hold on, you knew those eyes. Those deep, chocolate brown eyes that held so much emotion....You observed him closely, realization hitting you. You slowly reached a hand up to his exposed jaw, running your thumb over it.

"Barry...?" Your voice was barely above a whisper, the corners of his lips twitched to form a small smile, he looked down and reached his hands up, removing his mask. You were right. It was Barry, your Barry.

"'re The Flash? That...actually explains a few things." You giggled, he looked up from the floor, you could see worry in his eyes, but it soon faded when he saw the same affectionate, loving look you gave him before.

"You don't mind? I thought you would like me's a miracle you liked me in the first place."

"Oh shut up, silly. Why would I not like you, just because you have abilities? I don't care about that, you are the same person as before, that's all that matters. You're just a little more badass now." You kissed him suddenly, he smiled into the kiss and kissed back. He pulled away and shyly smiled at you, blushing hard. He always blushed when you two kissed, it was cute.

"Are you gonna help me bandage my arm or not?" You laughed, he looked at you in surprise.

"Oh shi-" he stood up suddenly, "Yes I was going to I got distracted so sorry!" He sped around and got all the supplies needed, coming back and wrapping your arm with his speed. "There, all done!"

"Kiss it better?"

"I'll kiss you, not your arm. That's no fun...."

"I'll take it."

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