I Gotta Question...

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Hey everyone,

So I have a question for you guys, I'm writing a personal story and originally I was going to just keep it for myself to look over and all that. (We all have those stories we write) And I thought maybe you guys would like to read it? It's still in the DC universe with the Justice League, but I have my own character in it, and depending on what you guys would like I would post it.

And no, it isn't one of those cringey "Mary Sue" characters because I know too well when I read stories and people put a Mary Sue character in the story it just irritates me so much.

If you don't know what a Mary Sue character is, it is basically a character with no flaws. No weaknesses, overpowered, perfect, everyone likes them, etc. If you have a character that is powerful that is 100% okay, just as long as they have weaknesses too. I mean look at Superman-he is so powerful but he still has weaknesses. Kryptonite and I would also say his gf is a weakness, as seen in Justice League.

You get the point.

Let me know if you guys would read it, I always love feedback on my writing :)

UPDATE: Also keep in mind I will still be updating this story as well, so I'm not just ditching it!!


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