Chapter Forty Three

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Song: Payphone by Maroon 5

Harry's POV

Darkness. A scream. Red. Sobs. Sirens. Darkness. 

All that I could seem to see and hear. Not mentioning the amount of fucking pain I'm in. It was hard to breathe through my nose. I had to have short breaths through my mouth. My heart was slowly and steadily beating to the sound of a beep. I can still remember everything. I don't want to though. I want it to be like in the books and movies where I can't remember anything. 

I don't want to.

When can I open my eyes to stop the crying? I don't like it when people cry. It makes me sad. And then I want to cry. 

Where's Lucy? She was hugging Lily then... then what? Why couldn't I stay awake to see my Lucy? She's my baby girl and she just saw that! She'll be scarred! 

Please, help me. I want to wake up.

I don't like the dark.

Bad things happen in the dark.

Louis's POV

This is all my fault. If I hadn't let Harry go off with Lucy then he'd be fine. We would be all sat in the lounge making songs for our next album or we would be watching a movie having a small popcorn fight during the boring bits. 

But no. He's in a fucking hospital bed, lying unconscious and beaten up to kingdom come. And we're in the waiting room at 3am all tired and anxious. All I want is for Harry to be okay and for him to get out of here nice and healthy. But from what I saw, that's not going to happen. 

Niall was still silently crying, being comforted by Liam. Zayn was on the phone to Mya who hadn't been contacted about Lucy yet. All that I've heard from the doctors about her is that she's in shock. Apparently, seeing that little girl die triggered something in her to relapse. She's just a shell at the moment. No one can get her out of it. She needs to do it herself. She can sense the people around her but she won't actually think about it.

But I don't care to be honest. If she hadn't dragged my best friend with her, he'd be fine. 

I don't know what to do at the moment. Do I carry on with my hatred for Lucy or do I take my best friends condition into consideration? I can't... I don't know! My head is a mess. I can't think straight and I just want to sleep. Maybe if I sleep, I'll feel better. But I don't want to miss anything. What if Harry wakes up? What if the boys just leave me alone here without telling me anything?


I sigh and slouch down the wooden chair. I rest my feet out, crossing them and close my eyes. 

Just breathe, Lou. Calm down and breathe. Inhale... Exhale.. Think of home. Think about your family. They wouldn't want you being so worried. They would want you to be happy. Don't scope down to the pathetic level. 

I listen to that voice and then, I fall asleep. 

"Lou..." someone shakes me on the shoulder. "Lou come on...." I'm shook again. 

"Fbsje." I moan and wake my hand about in the air. Then it hits someone.

"Oww," the person whines. Oops sorry Liam. I open my eyes to see him holding his nose. "Sorry, mate." I say sheepishly. 

"Meanie." He pouts.

"What time is it?" I stretch my arms up, clicking my back. Ew.

"6:42." Zayn spoke up. Oh okay. Nearly four more hours of sleep. The others looked as bad as I did. Messy hair, nasty breath and dark baggy eyes. 

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