Chapter Twenty Three

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Song: I Like It by We The Kings


Lucy's POV

One week later, I was out of the hospital. And I'm so glad to be out. Fresh air! Freedom! Being able to go and do your business without people hurrying you! And I'm able to kiss Harry with no one watching us.... ;)

I went back to my flat in a taxi with Harry and Mya who have been more than brilliant to me the whole journey. They've both changed my life so much and I don't know where I would be without them. Back at the flat, we took the lift up. Which scared the hell out of me. I am so scared of being in a lift. Just in case it crashes and we either fall to our deaths in the metal box of doom, or we starve to death while hanging in the middle of a wall. I've been stuck in a lift on my own once. Never. Again.

Harry didn't have to use the wheel chair anymore either, so that's good. His arm is just in a cast which I signed with a few love hearts and kisses. The others signed silly things on it which I kind of expected. 

When we got to Mya and I's room, I flopped down on the sofa. Oh how I missed this sofa so much. Days of just sitting here and reading. It's my portal to a different world. A fantasy world.

"Comfy there?" A voice asked and I look up to see Harry staring at me with a grin on his face. 

"Not entirely. I need something or someone to cuddle up to." I give him gentle puppy dog eyes, making them larger and larger until he gave in. 

"Well, I'm sure I could sort that out." He walked around the settee and sat in the space next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I smile at him lovingly and peck him on the cheek. 

"I love you so much." I tell him. He looks down at me, a confused look in his eyes. 

"I love you too, princess." He started twisting my hair with his good hand as Mya turns on the TV. She puts it on DAVE where it's just an old repeat of Top Gear. Half way through the show, Harry's phone rings and he has to pull away from me to answer it. "Hello?" He asks into the phone. "Erm..... sure. We'll be right there.... OK...... goodbye." His conversation ended. 

"Who was that?" I ask curiously. 

"Simon. He says he wants us to go down to his office. He has an announcement apparently." Harry got up and held out a hand to help me up. I took it and thanked him. 

"Are you coming, Mya?" I ask as she ate a chocolate muffin. 

"Simon says he wants everyone there," Harry answered for her and she just shrugged.

"Okay then. Let me get my shoes on." She said, taking a large bite of the muffin and throwing the wrapper in the bin. 

"Sure." I replied and twenty minutes later, we were at Simon's office. All the other boys were there with their girl friends who looked worried. 

"Harry, have you seen Paul yet? It's been over a week and I've still heard nothing." Louis said nervously. Harry shook his head at his frantic friend. 

"Still not answering his phone?" Harry asked. Lou shook his head.

"It's like he's gone off the face of the Earth. We've got to ask Simon." Liam thought. 

"But every time we've called Simon up asking about Paul, he would just avoid the question and take us onto a different topic." Zayn added. 

"This is just too weird." Eleanor spoke up from behind Louis. We all mumbled our agreements with her. 

"He's not on holiday because Preston said he would've been told. He said that when he asked Paul's wife, she didn't know either." Niall said from behind a packet of Pringles. 

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