chapter 61

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Ed’s POV

I close the door to Lucy’s room and stall myself for a few moments to let out a shaky breath. What was I thinking?! Kissing her like that?! God I am so stupid. That must’ve ruined out relationship even more than before now. She might know that I fancy her still. Oh crap. What have I done? Just stop thinking about that, Ed. You have to go soon.

I walk down the stairs and into the living room where I lay on the sofa in not only silence but my misery. I have to stop doing this. The lying. The love. The blackmail. It all needs to stop. I can’t think straight anymore. I can’t sleep. I can’t be me without thinking that Julia will set me up for some more torturous task. That’s right. You heard me. Julia. She’s out. Bailed by Simon. Of course, he did it secretly. Only the prison knows she’s gone. Plus Simon and I. That’s all. I hope. She’s threatening me. Blackmailing me. She said that if I don’t do as she says, not only Lucy gets hurt, but my family and friends too. She’ll leak all my secrets to the press through another person. She wants to ruin me. That’s all I can think of. She is out to get me for some unknown reason. And it’s driving me CRAZY! Why is she doing this to me?

Why does she want to hurt Lucy so much? Everything I am doing, is to protect her. But it’s only going to hurt her when she finds out. I can’t let her find out. She won’t. However she has a right to know. Therefore, I will tell her. Only if tonight goes wrong.

The clock strikes twelve and it’s my cue to go. I run to my room and change into warmer clothes. It is going to be freezing outside. I walk to Lucy’s room. Oh how I wish it could be our room. I silently open the door, not a creak made. There she is, safely asleep and warm in the bed. “I love you.” I whisper just loud enough that it may reach her ears. Haha, you are a funny person, Ed. Like she’ll ever like you.

Yeah… I have no chance. But I’ll never stop loving her. Or protecting her, meaning I should be going soon. I can’t upset Julia for being so late. I grab my coat, put in my trainers by the door and leave. The city outside is cold and lonely. No cars are running, few people out and about. I walk to the corner of the road and see the man who is meant to be leading me to the place I’m meant to be. He is long and lanky, dressed in a long black coat with a hat pulled over his eyes. He pulls a cigarette from his mouth and blows into the crisp air.

I walk up to him and mumble a short ‘hello’. He replies with a grunt and throws the cigarette butt to the floor. “Shut up and get a move on. I’m freezing.” He grumbles and starts walking at a fast pace, making me have to jog to keep up.

I’ve never known London to be so quiet, yet so beautiful, I think to myself as I walk through a park. Jack Frost must’ve been here, the grass is white and flaky. I loved Jack Frost as a child. He always made my Christmas when it didn’t snow. His effort was the closest thing we had got.

We stopped in an ally way. Apparently, we had to go through the back door or else it would ruin the surprise for the audience. The man told me to wait outside the door while he sorted everything out. I hope he is fast. It’s cold out here.

I let out a sigh a few minutes later when there is no sign of him. Ooooh, dragons breath! You know, the puff of smoke that is there in the cold icy weather? I love that stuff! It’s awesome, and cute on little kids, when they have their overly large coats on and their noses are bright red. Ahhh, those were the days.

I hear a small creak come from behind me, but before I know it, I’m out. 


All I can hear is cheering. Lots and lots of cheering. It’s loud and hurts my head. I open my eyes to find darkness. Where am I? I thought I was just standing outside. How did I get to where ever the hell I am? I groan and move my neck until it clicks. “Ladies and gentlemen! Our first contester is awake! Give a round of applause to the only and only Edward Sheeran!” Some male voice yells. Probably into a microphone. More cheering corrupts my thinking and my head starts pounding. What the hell did they hit me with?! A brick?

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