Chapter Thirteen

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Edited: 29/08/14

Song: Disconnected by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Harry's POV

Fidgeting, moving, screaming, crying. Lucy wouldn't stop. I think she is having a nightmare. And I don't know what to do to stop it. 

"Hey hey baby." I say comfortingly even though she can't hear me. I try hug her and hold her still. "Shh shh, princess, it's going to be okay." I rub her back soothingly. 

Her eyes slowly open and she is crying. "I-I'm s-sorry." She cries. I keep my grip on her to show it's okay. "It's j-just a b-bad dream." she chants over and over again. I kiss her forehead. 

"MYA!" I yell and try to see if she wakes up. Nothing. "MYA GET UP NOW!" I yell and hear some footsteps. 

"Wha ya want?" She asks, half asleep. But is fully awake when she sees Lucy. "Bugger." She mutters and runs over to the bed. I can't help but feel so helpless. Mya taps Lucy on the shoulders and she looks up to her, tears still falling.

They signed stuff to each other that was just to complicated for me. Feeling like a potato, I kept hugging Lucy. "Does this normally happen?" I ask Mya. 

She nods. "It's not really a nightmare she has. Just a memory." She says. 

"A memory of what?" I ask curiously. 

"Her parents and siblings dying in front of her." Mya looks down sadly. 

"WHAT?!" I exclaim. I don't give a damn if it's 3 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon - this is horrible!

"Basically, you know that thing Lucy was telling you about that made her deaf? The robbery? Well, in that not only did she lose her hearing but also her family." Mya exclaimed and I look at Lucy who was cuddled into my chest in a ball. Tears were still falling but only slowly. Her eyes were closed so I'm guessing she was trying to sleep.

"So, if she had no family where did she go?" I ask and lay her back down, stroking her hair. 

"She was put into a care home, here in London. That's where we met." Mya looked down sadly at Lucy. "The thing is, while in care for the years she was there, she was bullied. People beat her up for not being able to hear and oh god... Harry, the things they yelled at was horrible." She cried. 

I sat there with my mouth held wide. "What the...? She doesn't even act like any of this has happened before." I say then stand up and hug her. 

"She likes to keep to herself a lot. She's really independent. I was the only one she'd talk to for at least a year. She hid her cuts and bruises from the social workers. She fell into depression. She told me once that she even thought about suicide... That shouldn't be in a girls mind, Harry. The staff never noticed how depressed she felt. They never really cared about the kids there. As long as we were fed and in bed by 8, they wouldn't notice us. For all they cared, one of us could have died." She cried into my shoulder. 

"It's in the past now. No one lives there anymore. What's done is done and nobody could change it. It's best for you to forget and be happy then remember and be sad. And I'm certainly sure Ni wouldn't want you to be sad." I told her and pulled away.

"Thanks Harry. Well, Lucy is asleep again. Don't tell her what I told you though. She will kill me."

"Night Mya." I smiled and Mya walks out the room. 

Sighing, I get back into bed and wrap my arms around Lucy protectively. I won't let anyone hurt my baby girl ever again. Or else, they'll pay.

Lucy's POV

Today, Harry wanted to take me shopping. I had no idea what the occasion was but he just wanted me there with him. I found that incredibly cute though so I didn't mind. We got a cab up to London Underground then took a train to Bristol outskirts. A few fans came up to say stuff to Harry. He took pictures with some fans of mine and Harry's and when we finally got there, we remained with a few fans. Nothing I really minded. 

We took straight to the clothing shops at Cribbs Causeway. HMV, New Look, Marks and Spencers and Topman.  Harry insisted on buying everything. So, we made a deal. He can pay 3/4 of the clothing and I'll pay the other 1/4 and lunch. 

It was nice seeing new sights as well because, in the end, I'm a curious potato. 

For lunch we had Nando's as it was the closest thing to us at that time. There were other food shops like Pizza Hut, Costa, Burger King and KFC but they were on the other section of the mall. Plus, I've never had Nandos and wanted to try it. 

We got some chips to share and a medium peri-peri chicken burger each with either cloudy lemonade or diet coke. Nothing really interesting. But it was good. I loved it. 

Now we're on our way back in the train. It's pitch black night time. The lights in the train kept flickering and the wheels kept screeching along the track (or so Harry told me). This isn't right. Somethings wrong. 

 The atmosphere was eerie and nerve racking. I've never liked trains. They've always scared me. I keep thinking something will mess up and everyone ends up dead. 

I sit down on a spare seat next to a small child with headphones. She looked tired but more so fed up. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to be friends. I wanted - it's the wrong time frame. The past. That's when everything happened, in the past. The past isn't something changeable. It's full of regrets but also memories. The memories that can either keep you safe at night, keep you going through life. Or the memories that want you to suffer. The ones that keep coming back and no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, the come back. 

Everything you push away will come back again one day. Like a spring, however this one likes to take its time so you can enjoy life. Nothing will be left alone. 

You are meant to live every moment. Love beyond words. Laugh everyday. 

Big names, big stars, they're all remembered. You've just got to make yourselves known to the world or else you are nothing but a spec of dust, a piece of the circle of life. 

You are born, then you die. You're meant to live the life in between this segment of the circle. You may just end up being one of the most famous people in the whole world if you put your mind to it.

I'm living my dream because I know a famous and unforgettable name who was just like me. Beethoven. The brilliance in music he's composed makes me inspired. Inspired to be like him. To change music as he did.

The train flew forwards all of a sudden. I felt the ground vibrating and the ground felt like it was scarping across of the floor. I stand up and move to Harry who was looking scared. The train wobbled back and forth as it carried on moving. A large source of light kept getting brighter and brighter in front of us. What's going on?

I held onto Harry tightly as the light finally reached us. 

Another train crushed its way violently through the metal and towards people in the carriages. 

Then it reached us. I screamed and hid my head in Harry's chest. I held onto him tightly, as he did to me. 

And maybe that light is the last light I'm ever going to see again when it hit our carriage.

Dedicated to: Oeavesontheleaves for commenting :)

QOTC: Favourite TV show? (American Horror Story, Supernatural and Doctor Who are all really good)

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