chapter 64

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Lucy's POV

To say this place was busy was an understatement. It was crowded with people laughing and shouting at one another as old 80's music played in the background. The Inn was divided in half. One half was like a restaurant, with wooden tables and chairs spread about on a red spongy carpet. The family area. The other half was the actual pub like theme. There was a bar with stools crowded around it. The old and depressed drinkers sat there in their misery. And by old I mean they look like they are in their late 40's early 50's. A darts game was taking place in between the two halves, knowing that there is a line between their differences. A family of 8 were singing happy birthday to a now 6 year old boy called Thomas (the name and age on the cake, I'm not that creepy). And finally, there was a drunken lady singing an ear piercing  version of Beyoncé's Single Ladies. No one was paying attention to her.

Harry led me to a table for two by the window that faces a garden of donated play equipment for the children. The wooden table had the number 4 on a silver plate nailed into it on one of the corners. To the side of me, there was some salt, pepper and vinegar. Also, the menu's. I held Harry's hand from across the table as his thumb gently rubbed over three of my fingers. I let out a sigh and leaned back into my chair. "Hey, Luce, what's the matter?" Harry asked me, concern filling his eyes. 

"Nothing. I'm just relaxing. It's been one hell of a year so far. I just.... I'm glad that everything is finally over." I tell him, giving him a smile of confidence. 

"Me too, darling, me too." He leaned back into his chair and let go of my hand. "And, we're going to my parents house tomorrow! Can you believe that?! I'm so excited." He grinned at me, eyes as bright as a childs on christmas day.

"I am excited too! I finally get to meet my boyfriends parents and family." I grin at him. A waiter walks up to our table and keeps his head down. 

"Welcome to The Lady Inn, what would you like to eat?" He said in complete monotone. I look to  Harry and raise my eyebrows. He smiles in understanding and we order.

"I would love some caviar with some Somerset cider, imported down from Somerset and made in, Somerset. Please." I say with a high pitched voice and an extremely posh accent. British people aren't posh ya know! More like gangsta's... brv.... wiv da kool accent from yo mamma!

"And I would like three sausage rolls, 10 pizza's hold the cheese, 15 pounds of vanilla ice cream, no more and no less, 7000ml of fresh apple juice only squeezed from the apples you find in the donkey sanctuary in France, three sweet peas in their pods, 60 peeled SEEDLESS red grapes and some medium chips please. Oh! And ketchup! Ohhhh also, a strawberry milkshake, no whipped cream." Harry said, really fast but like a low drone. 

"Wait, what?" The waiter said, examining his paper. "50 pounds of vanilla ice cream..." He muttered to himself.

"No, I said 15. Not 50." Harry corrected him. Finally, the waiter looked to us with an expression that basically told us to jog on. 

"Is that all, sir?" He asked, emphasising the 'sir' part. What a cocky bastard. Can't he take a joke?

"Yes, thank you." Harry smiled at him and the waiter walked away mumbling something about 'incompetent celebrities."

"He isn't very cheerful, now, is he?" I grin to Harry.

"You don't actually think he thinks we're serious, do you?" 

"He seems pretty gullible."  I shrug.

 The evening goes on. And it was amazing. The waiter did actually turn out to be one gullible bastard. Oh well, it's not like we didn't have the money to pay for everything. After we finished up everything, we went to my flat and straight to bed. 

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