Little Miss Tipton (Zack Martin)

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Name: Paris TiptonAge: 13Style:

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Name: Paris Tipton
Age: 13

Name: Paris TiptonAge: 13Style:

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Including glasses.

Additional Info: Not super dense like London but a little sarcastic/optimistic (depending on her mood) and forgetful and observant.
Situation: Gets ignored by family, except for London. Hopelessly in love with Zack (or so she thought...).
Setting: The Tipton Hotel
Plot: Her and London stay @ the hotel and she is treated like a little sister to Cody and Zack keeps acting weird around her. She, on the other hand is hopelessly in love with him but is super shy and doesn't say anything.

{London's POV}
I was getting off of the plane that my daddy sent me on to go stay at my own hotel. Yay me!! Anyways, I was yelling at a cute bell-boy to hurry up with my clothes, shoes, and the rest of my babies when I felt like I was forgetting something...

"Um, is this yours as well, Ms.Tipton?" He stuttered.

"Eww! Noooo!!! The only person I know with a ratchet style like that is..."

"B-but, it has your last name on it..."
He stuttered again. "Tipton... hmmm..."

Daddy always says that when you loose something, retrace your steps. I walked backwards a few steps and realized... 'Wait a sec. The last place I saw her...was...*gasps*'

"It says P-"
"PAAARRRIIIISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!" I cut him off shouting my little sister's name. I left her on the plane! I can't believe I did that! I feel so bad right now but no frowning. Wrinkles.

{Paris' POV}
"Um, Lon?" I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. She whipped around to face a young, 13-year-old girl with her bags, arms crossed, eyes rolling, and pushing up her glasses at her crazy, sisters antics. In other words, me. She gave me a quick hug and air kisses and said, "I found you! Yay me!!" And clapped. She then began speed walking to the limo and I followed not to far behind until, "Um, excuse me. Ms. Paris Tipton? Might this be your bag?" I turned around a saw my light blue bag in the hands of a bell-boy. "Oh! Sorry, I forgot it! Thank you!" I quickly replied and ran off and joined my sister.

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