Farkle Minkus x Reader [Girl Meets World]

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Plot: (Trigger warning: A sensitive topic will be used regarding race and a little bit of gender so plz beware of that.) Reader is faced against guitar tryouts but it doesn't really help when the teacher only accepts his preferred "favorites."
N/O/R = Name Of Race (so sorry if some of my readers are white lol no disrespect discrimination or hate towards y'all or anything but this chappie is to all my colored folks out there who feel like how the reader feels in this story and to hopefully show that you are not alone and fam... I gotchu and I respect you, me being a girl of color myself so yee. Enjoy!)


I was walking down the hallway in my school, the weight of my backpack making me want to heave over. But, I keep walking, pass the large bulletin board until something of interest caught my eye.

Try Outs Today!
Guitar Club tryouts are today at 4 sharp.
Bring your acoustic, your base, your electric! Whatever you have, we accept!! Meet in room 2-A4 for tryouts!

"Y/N!" I heard my name being called as an arm slung around my shoulders. But I ignored it as I stared at the poster in wonder. "Wow, your eyes are sparkling."

"Maya, eyes don't spark- *gasp* How come my eyes don't sparkle like that?"

I laughed at Maya and Riley's antics as I turned to face them. "Guys! I really wanna try out!" I said, bouncing around super excited. My h/c hair bounced along with me as I smiled gingerly.

"I'm sure you'd do amazing!" Riley encouraged. My confidence shot up. "Do amazing at what?"

"Yeee! Howdy partner!" Maya greeted Lucas with one of the worst Texan accents I've ever heard. "Howdy." Lucas responded as he tipped an imaginary hat. Farkle wasn't far behind as my smile grew bigger. "Why are you smiling like someone who just got out of an insane asylum?" Farkle asked.

My smile faltered a bit but I giggled lightly. "I can't help it! I think this could really help me, y'know? Practice my guitar skills more. Electric is hard but at least I can get through a few songs without messing up." I explained.

We all walked outside to Topanga's, our usual hangout spot. Maya next to Riley, Lucas in the small chair and I took my normal spot next to Farkle. Unofficial assigned seats.

~Timeskip about an hour later~

"Would you rather..." Maya trailed mischievously. The game of Would You Rather was getting very intense and some very... questionable things had already happened.

Riley would rather eat a rotted fish then kill a unicorn.

Maya would rather wear glitter the rest of her life then wear a pad the rest of her life.

Farkle would rather lose in a "smart off" then wear no clothes to school.

And Lucas would rather sing Old Town Road on loud speaker then only eat hay (courtesy of Maya).

Now, it was my turn.

But lucky for me, Maya was still stuck. "Would you rather give up guitar forever... or...."

I nearly gasped at this. Nothing would be more important then never playing guitar again so of course no matter what she was going to say... it wouldn't affect me.

"Or kiss Farkle!?" Riley added as she smiled evily.

Okay, except that.

My face went near pale as I stared dead into Riley's eyes. Even though we've never discussed it, I knew that she knew I had feelings for him.

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