Sensing Cupid (Jack Frost)

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O O F Enjoy, fam! Thank you guys for reading btw...

Name: Kaylee Clarkson
Age: 16
Race: Everything. Her family has all sorts of different races mixed in. She became the outcome. A lil' bit of everything.

(Thas my fwend so don't hate

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(Thas my fwend so don't hate...😍😂)

Style: Unlike the filter, she's more of an emo bean. But that doesn't mean she's all depressing. She just isn't a fan of bright colors.

 She just isn't a fan of bright colors

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A.I: Loves to read and write and wants to become an author. Doesn't have a lot of close friends, just a few acquaintances. Not a lot of reasons to be happy go lucky so always has a resting bitch face look. Night owl. Big imagination, somehow small minded. Speaks a few of her big familie's languages. Spanish, French, Korean, African, Etc.

{3rd Person POV}
At a point in her life, she did believe in the tooth fairy, Santa, etc. And so did her little sister, Aiko Clarkson. A witty, energetic 7 year old with a short attention span. She would be 11 this month...

But Kaylee didn't tell anyone about it. The only other people in Kaylee's life that knew about the death of the 7 year old little girl, was the family themselves. But they never told friends, co-workers, anyone. Because they found it disrespectful. Kaylee didn't tell the family secret, simply because she did not want to. But ever since that day, the day Aiko passed, Kaylee was different. You couldn't tell, but after a while, you'd realize something was off...

She stopped being talkative with her friends, eventually pushing them away. Stopped singing at family gatherings (that she usually did with her little sis as a duet). Stopped being a kid, basically. She had to grow up fast. She had to take care of her mother, who had gotten to old to be living on her own, but couldn't afford a senior citizens apartment. Which means the now, 16 year old Kaylee, didn't have much time for make believe characters such as the Easter Bunny or Leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day.

Well, until tonight...

{Kaylee's POV}
I sat on my bed, reading a rather thick book. It was around 10:00 at night but the moonlight's reflection bouncing off the fresh layer of white snow gave me enough light through my window to see almost everything in my room clearly. Including the words on the pages. I sighed. You could faintly see that it was cold enough to see my breath, but not a lot. I was, quite frankly, bored. My mom was asleep so I couldn't really make any loud noises.

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