Faded (Peter Parker)

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This won't be an x reader, it'll be more like a brother/sister type of relationship. Like, she's younger so Peter is very protective of her, blah blah blah and this takes place during the end of AVENGERS INFINITY WAR SO THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE YET. Just skip the chapter if you don't want to be spoiled and please enjoy😄

Name: Lizzie (last name unknown)
Age: 13 1/2
Race: Mexican German (mix)

Plot: This takes place at the end of Avengers: Infinity War (this is your second warning hence there WILL be spoilers)

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Plot: This takes place at the end of Avengers: Infinity War (this is your second warning hence there WILL be spoilers). As Thanos plan is completed, certain people start fading away into dust because they are in that half of the universe who disappears. All of the sudden, you're not feeling to good....

A.I: Your superhero name is Quick Flash (I'm so unoriginal, h e l p m e) and you're costume consists of a pastel crop top,

I: Your superhero name is Quick Flash (I'm so unoriginal, h e l p m e) and you're costume consists of a pastel crop top,

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^Instead of "I Kinda Don't Care" it has a blue lighting bolt in the front.

A light pink skirt with blue tights,

A light pink skirt with blue tights,

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And white, knee high boots,

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And white, knee high boots,

You can move so fast that your body could regenerate

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You can move so fast that your body could regenerate. Even if a limb got cut off. You know martial arts. You became best friends with Peter when he saw you being picked on as a knew freshman. You asked why and he claims, "Just looking out for the little guy. Or girl in this case..." Your mom and dad died so he is super protective of you. He found out about your powers the day after you met. Your very quirky and weird and have a very high metabolism and need sugar almost constantly to keep your blood sugar up. I honestly don't know what else to say, whoops...

Alright, here we go. Again, huge spoilers, just so y'all know...

"What's happening?" I asked as it became eerily silent. "Th-there's No way he won, right?" Thanos had collected all the infinity stones and it's like everything just exploded and all the sudden he was gone.

"Um, guys?" The guy called Starlord said, getting our attention. He was fading away into dust, until he was finally gone. "Oh my God, did he just...?" I said looking over to Dr.Strange who was now fading away as well. He was telling Tony something but I couldn't make out what. I gave Peter a worried glance and he said everything would be fine.

That reassurance didn't last very long as others around is also started disintegrating. "Peter?" "....Yeah...?" He answered, looking down at me since he's older and a few feet taller. "I'm scared..." We both knew how much I meant it, judging by how I'm rarely ever scared, ever since my mother died.

He stooped down in front of me, looking me in the eyes. "Look, I promised you, myself, and Mr.Stark that if you came with us, I'd protect you no matter what." Just as he said that, my body started to ache. "Oh man, I-I don't feel so good..." I said as I stumbled forward a bit. "No, you're fine." Tony said quickly, not wanting to believe me. "Everything hurts!" I said, falling foward, hugging Peter.

"No, you're okay. You're okay..." He said over and over again, hugging me. "I don't wanna die. I want- I wanted to grow up. Please don't let me die..." I begged, full on sobbing. My body felt like knifes were being stabbed into me at 1000 miles per hour. "I can't feel my legs..." I muttered. He set me down against a nearby rock as he began crying too. Tony was crouched over on my left.

"I can't feel anything!" I screamed. I lifted up my hand and it was disintegrating, just like the others. "Peter, I'm sorry..." I apologized. "For what? You don't need to-"

"I didn't mean to break your promise."

Then everything went black. For a very long time....

Oooh boy, that was dark. Okay, so yeah. That's the end. Hope you enjoyed dying.... *awkward chuckling* don't forget to request. I'm bored.... legit...😆 Also, sorry if it's too short for your liking but it was only the one scene...
Soooooo, here's a bonus part!

Plot: Everything's the same except, you're not with Peter. You're with T'Challa and the rest on Wakanda when people start fading. And yes, you're one of them. Again...

Let's die again!!

Everything was suddenly quiet. "Steve...?" And then, he was gone. "Did Bucky just...?" I asked as I looked up at Steve. "C'mon..." He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the forest to find the others. We soon found them. I suddenly tripped over... what I thought was a rock. But when I looked back, the only thing that came into view was War Machine looking for Sam.

We all met up but people started disintegrating left and right. "Don't worry..." Natasha said as a tear rolled down my face. "We're gonna keep you safe." "Ummm..." was all I responded with as I stared down at my foot, which was slowly disintegrating. I wiped my tears and looked at the others, who were standing in shock. I just kind of chuckled as more of my body disappeared.

It's funny how I'm the youngest here. Even younger than Peter and I asked for this. I asked to fight. To fight for the world. To fight for the people I love. I asked to die... and I'm not gonna go out begging for mercy. I'm gonna go out my way.

"Lol, bai! *blows kiss as you fade away*"

'Okay, so I could've thought out my goodbye a little better...er...r...' I thought as my final thought echoed through my head and I had said my final words, as the world went black. Forever...

Okay, which ending did ya like best? First one or second? The first one is my personal fave.

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