IT Preference[2017] (2)

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When You're Sick:
-oKaY, this child has NO CHILL
-Will literally buy you medicine but then be like...
-"Babe. Doll. Honey. Medicine later. Cuddles now."
-"Um no. How 'bout, medicine now, medicine later, and cuddles in a few days? Besides, if I get you sick, I don't wanna have to take care of your lazy ass!"
- Pursuades you to cuddle anyways
-You're magically better the next day
-Richie is now sick

-Um, no...
- Sends you a box full of everything you need with a heartfelt letter

Dear (Y/N),
I hope you feel better soon. I miss you so much but I just can't afford to get sick. Do you know what could happen to me?! Anyways, I sent you a care package full of everything you need. Make sure you take them at the prescribed times. Until then, I cannot remain in physical contact with you until you are officially germ free.
Remember, I love you!
Love, Eddie K.

-"Really...? (-.-)"

-Turns into a mom
-"Please take the medicine, (Y/N). I don't want you to not get better."
-"But it's fucking gross!"
-"Keep your voice down, my parents are home!"
-"Gee, I couldn't tell the difference between you and your mom..."
-Forehead kisses
-Lazy days
-Just random cute stuff

-Won't let you near any of the animals on his farm
- Doesn't get store bought or prescribed medicine for you
-Instead, he gives you all this herbal, natural stuff from his grandfather
-Makes the sickness worse
-"For God's sake, please let me take real medicine!"
-"This is real medicine, honeybee. My grandfather said..."
-"Whatever he said isn't working! I'm dying faster than usual!!"

-Doesn't giVE a flyING FUCK!!
-"Hope you get better, (Y/N). I'm gonna try and finish my bird book.
-"Um, no I'm not gonna cuddle you. I don't want to get sick and I don't want to hear Eddie's mouth about how many diseases he could catch!"

Tells you to take medicine but other than that, don't expect too much.
-Unless you have the zika virus or some crazy ass shit like that.

-Y'all already know...
-h u s b a n d m a t e r i a l h u n n y😍
-Perfect amount of medicine
-Perfect cuddles
-Perfect home remedies

Everything's perfect
-Even manages not to get sick himself
-"Why- *cough* Why are you like this?"
-"Like what, (Y/N) *smiles innocently*

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