Stranger Things Preference (2)

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When You're Sick:
- Lots and lots of cuddles, kisses, whatever makes you feel safe and cared for.
- Binge watching He-Man and playing one-on-one D&D.
- Doesn't care if he gets sick.
- Tries to do everything to make you better.
- You not wanting to get better because you like him taking care of you.
- "Y/N, drink the medicine before I shove the whole bottle down your throat!!"
- "But Mike, it taste gross!!"
- "No it's not. See!? *drinks some* Ew, gross. Nevermind...
- "Told you..."

- Back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up.
- Will ain't playin' these games.
- He'll get you whatever you need just don't touch him.
- "I'm not kissing you until I know your officially not dying slowly..."
- "But Willllllllll....!"
- Draws you pictures to make you feel better. Mentally anyways...
- "Since when do you curse?"
- "I don't, I just really don't want you to touch me..."

- Super extra.
- Will quarantine the area.
- Gives you every medicine he can find.
- "Lucas, I can't swallow pills..."
- "Swallow them with this cough medicine... *hands you cup of medicine*
- "You do realize this much could potentially kill me, right?"
- "Or it'll give you ultra instinct. Whichever comes first..."
- Hugs you so you're warm but has the fan on high so you're cold.
- Now you can't complain.

- Literally thinks you're dying.
- Crys a little.
- Looks up all of your symptoms in the library.
- "Ohmygodohmygod, you have cancer!"
- "What!? No, I don't! I just stayed out in the snow to long. It's just a common cold."
- Never leaves your side.
- Does that stupid but funny purr noise that leads to you getting him sick on purpose.
- "Great, my sinuses are clogged up and now I can't show you my pearly whites..."
- "Yeeesssssssss....!"

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