"Fuck This Shit, I'm Out" (Carl Grimes)

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Name: (Y/N) Greyson

Name: (Y/N) Greyson

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Age: 15

(Add combat boots)

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(Add combat boots)

When she got trapped in the bathroom (you'll see), this is what she was wearing last.

Plot: She has been trapped in her bathroom for days, maybe weeks now. A bunch of walkers chased her into there and they were now blocking the door. Her only escape. She kept the small window open, providing her little light during the day but not very helpful at night. One day, she had enough. No food, no water, no nothing. So she decided fight her way out or die trying. And they (not the zombies) just happened to hear her...

A.I: She was pretty young when the outbreak happened. When it did, her dad went out for food and other supplies but never returned. Then, your mom went looking for him and left you to watch over your 5 year old brother. She came back and dragged his unconscious body inside the house. He was injured, but little did any of your family know, his "injury" was a bite from a walker. He turned and bit your mother, eating her flesh as you and your brother watched in horror, screaming for him to stop. The screams drew attention and eventually, more came in. You grabbed his hand and ran up the stairs. He tripped over one of them and fell. You pulled at his arm but one got his leg and pulled back. You pulled as hard as you could but it wasn't enough. He got bit. And more came and started eating him as well. You screamed and began to cry, as you watched your brother get eaten. So, you flipped out. You ran to the mini storage closet in the hallway, grabbed your dad's nailgun, and fired away. There was only about 4. Plus another 3. Those 3 being your family. You were traumatized. You spent your 3 years in that house, living off the food and water you had. You did as best you you could, keeping windows and doors locked and making as little noise as possible. One day, as you attempted to cook a box of pasta you had saved, you accidentally let the water rise to much, causing the steam to fill almost the entire downstairs area to fill with steam. You quickly took it off the eye but it was to late. The smoke detector went off, blaring a loud beeping noise and flashing a light. It started to attract a lot of walkers. You threw a random object at it and it stopped making the noise. But the walkers were pounding on the windows and you could hear them against the door. Your heart raced as you tried thinking of what to do. The windows cracked and broke and they started falling in. Just as that happened, the old, wooden door broke down letting more inside. You were officially fucked. Your best bet was to run upstairs and you did it without a second thought. They trudged up the stairs after you and you ran into a bathroom. You locked the door and put your mini hamper in the front to try and barricade yourself as much as possible. You looked around thinking what you could possibly do. You would immediately be found if you hid in the shower and squeezing your body through the terribly small window above your sink was not an option. So you took plan C. Hiding under the sink. You got inside the small cabinet and let the door shut. You sat for hours until the banging on the door stopped. You crawled out and looked under the door. They were still there but they were just trudging around. You haven't left since...

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