Another Dreamer W/ Another Dream Pt.2 (Max/Sharkboy)

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{Rosie's POV}
"Who are you and you where did you guys come from?" Raquel barely whispered to us. 'Awww, poor thing! She's shy!' I thought. "We come from Planet Drool, ma'dam!" I said in a fake British accent, smiling playfully. She slightly giggled and looked over to Max, who seemed to be asking the same question to LG and Sharky. We both sighed dreamily, me looking at Sharky and her looking at Max. We tensed, looked at each other worriedly and gave pleading eyes.

"I won't tell if you don't..." I said quickly. "W-what do you mean? T-tell who what?" She whispered back.

{Raquel's POV}
"I see the way you look at Max. *gasp* yooouuuuu loooooovvvveeeee hiiiiimmmmm!" She purred. Like, literally purred. I went red instantly and shook my head back and forth. It slowly turned into a small smirk, barely noticeable, but still there all the less. "What about you and Sharkboy, huh?" I looked down and mumbled, "I bet you loooooooooovvvvveeeee hiiiiiiimmmmmm...." mocking her.

{Rosie's POV}
I growled, annoyed with my own dreamer, but looked up and smiled along with her. "I'll say again, I won't tell if you don't?" I say, more like a question this time. She nodded yes. I relaxed and my tail stopped wagging, only to spike at the sound of Sharky drawing Planet Drool on the chalkboard. My ears were ringing and I gave him an annoyed look, causing him to raise his eyebrow as if to say, "What?" I rolled my eyes at his ignorance and watched the conversation unfold.

~Super small Time Skip~
"What!? Why not!?" We all shouted as a reaction to Max saying he can't go. "What about you, Raquel? Please?" Lavagirl pleaded. Her head snapped up at the mention of her name. "Um, oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. NO! I'm most definitely not the person you wanna bring in a situation like this. I'll just slow you down. Max, just go with them. I'm an emotional wreck and have anxiety and, just... I can't." She rambled quietly and truthfully.

"What!?" I screamed in disbelief. "How could you say that about yourself!? Who told you that? What would your paren-!?" I got ready to lecture her until Sharky covered my mouth, shaking his head. "Mmph mm hmm gam dm..." I said, my voice being muffled. "What?" He said, removing his hand. "I said, 'Your hand smells like fish and now I want fish, damn it...' " I pouted. He just rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Lavagirl came over, lightly petting my head trying not to burn me. "Don't worry, once Planet Drool is fixed, you can have all the fish you want again. No more starving!" She said, positive as always.

Ever since Planet Drool stopped 'working,' the ocean, lakes, and streams froze over. Me, being a fish eater most of the time, was starving for food because that's where all the fish is. It was to cold to be out and about and my entire home froze over, making me homeless. As you can guess, my side over where I live, has already been swallowed by The Darkness. And that's why we needed Max and Raquel. They could fix this. They were, and are, the most powerful dreamers. They can fix this. At least, that's what my bestie/sister figure, LG told me.

{Max's POV}
Raquel rambled on about how and why she won't go. I had my reasons. I can't just leave, ya' know? School, family. I was baffled by her low self-esteem and what people may have told her and what she thinks of herself. That was enough to push me to my limits. I walked up to her. "I'm going." I said. "Oookaaaa-" "And you're coming whether you like it or not." I said, cutting her off. Her eyes immediately widened and she shook her head but it was to late. I picked her up, put her over my shoulder and said, "Alright, I got my stuff. Let's go." I smirked at my joke. "Put me down! I'll go, I'll go!" I gently set her down, only to see a fake pout on her face. "Walk." I commanded. She walked backwards since she was facing me and ran into a wall. "You can turn around." I said. She smiled and turned around, following the others.

'Talk about Déjà vu.' I thought, remembering the conversation I had with my parents last night. It consisted of me being a smartass when my mother said, "Close your eyes, and go back to bed." I closed my eyes, like she said, and felt my way to the stairs, running into a wall. "You can wait until you're in the bed to close your eyes, Max." She said, causing me to turn my head and smirk at her.

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