His Darkness [Robin (Teen Titans)]

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Okay so I have another request from XxSpace_EmoxX so thank you for requesting! Here it is and I'm so sorry for the long ass delay but yeh. Enjoy! By the way, it ain't that Teen Titans Go crap. It's the OG! Also, I have to add pics later bc school internet sux.

Name: Samantha Wheeler
Age: 14
Race: Mixed (White/Mexican)
Style: A simple jeans and a T-shirt is enough to satisfy her. She's not trying to impress anyone but she doesn't want to stand out either. Especially in the wrong way.

A.I: She's really innocent but has a dark side. She manifests an uncontrollable power that can't be stopped, no matter how hard she tries. It's called Satan's Soul. She has no idea how she ended up with it, but she hates it. She has long brown hair and golden hazel eyes. She has tan skin (obviously) and little things could potentially set her off. She tries to be calm in certain situations. Is kind of gullible.

Plot: Today isn't one of the best days for Samantha. It generally never is but today was just so frustrating and rough. And to make matters worse, a villain just absolutely had to capture her of all people. She accidently turns into Satan's Soul an things take off from there...

[Samantha's POV]
The loud bell rang overhead, signalling the beginning of the school day. It was a cold, rainy Friday and while most people were excited about the on-coming rain that was supposed to happen (around noon), I wasn't particularly fond of getting wet with rain water. But unfortunately, today was half day release. Which meant we get out at 11:40. I sighed, muttering out a, "Damn..." realizing this information. But tried to push it into the back of my head, not worrying about it.

I walked to my locker pulling out my science textbook. My first period was 8th grade science with Ms.Jaylin. She was so funny and cool. It would be my favorite class if it weren't for the big fat C I was going to get on this project. I had to do it last minute because my parent kept me busy all week. Another bummer to add to my day.

I say down in my seat, taking out my miniature purse. I checked my phone when I got an alert.

'Avoid 16th Street at ALL COSTS. Mumbo Jumbo has escaped so please be wary of how you get home. If you see him, please contact authorities immediately. This is an immediate alert.'

This concerned me a little, but since I don't take 16th Street home, I wasn't all that worried.

"Hey, Shortstuff...!"

I was interrupted by a shirll voice. I sighed. "Well, this day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?" I asked myself. She had long blackish brown hair, and it was curly. She had tan skin but it was lighter than mine and she had piercing green eyes. She was, of course taller than me, especially when wearing her heels, which she never seems to take off. It was Tina Hollister. She walked right up to me with a menacing glare, her posse behind her.

She looked me up and down. "I shouldn't even be here, seen talking with you." She had so much venom in her voice at the last part, it made me cringe.

"But, unfortunately, my phone has disappeared and now I must consult in the common folk to find it. What I'm trying to say is... If you see my phone, bring it to me..." She walked past me, bumping her shoulder up against mine. "...Or else!"

I rubbed my shoulder, sitting down in my seat when I felt something odd underneath me. I pulled it out only for it to be a bedazzled, blue and pink iPhone. My eyes widened in shock. I looked up and she was walking out of the room. "Tina! Ti-" It was too late. Either I was to quiet or she was so thick-headed she couldn't hear because she walked out of the classroom. "Damn...!"

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