Another Dreamer W/ Another Dream Pt.3

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{Raquel's POV}
"Dream, dream, dream..." Lavagirl lulled, trying to get me and Max to sleep. I was exhausted and had already fallen fast asleep. Max... not so much. My dream was about Rosie. Weird. Haven't had a dream about her in years...

{Rosie's POV}
A pair of rocket boots appeared next to me. "I think that it's definitely working...!" I said, finger gunning towards my rocket boots,

!" I said, finger gunning towards my rocket boots,

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"Your turn, Sharky..." LG said, making me smirk because it was obvious he didn't want to do this.

<Which is the right one? Pick the wrong one and you'll die!😄>

"Well that was a total bust...!" I said after LG woke Raquel and Max up. "Well, I don't see you coming up with any lullaby's over there..." Sharkboy responded. "You know very well cats are horrible singers. Who do you think I am, Jessica Rabbit?" I responded with sarcasm at the end. "Mmm, not even close." He said. 'Okay, so that hurt...' I thought. "Don't talk to me anymore." I said walking away to where LG was. "That's not what I meant!" He called but I ignored him.

My ears perked up and I felt something coming. "Um, guys? I think something is-" "Plug Hounds!" Sharky shouted cutting me off. "I knew it! I'm out, peace!" I said as I pressed the power button on my rocket boots.

The lightning bolt on the side glowed a bright pink and they lifted me off the ground before shutting off again, making land back on my feet

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The lightning bolt on the side glowed a bright pink and they lifted me off the ground before shutting off again, making land back on my feet. They started flashing red. "Great. No battery..." "Sorry..." Raquel mumbled.

Sharkboy: So your plan was to take off and leave us?😐

Rosie: No... My plan was to take off and leave you!😁

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