Another Dreamer W/ Another Dream (Max/Sharkboy)

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Don't worry it's not Sharkboy x Max. That... that would be totally different😖 No, it's like a two in one imagine. You could be the one Sharkboy likes or Max, IDC just pick.

Name: Raquel Electricidad Rodriguez
Age: 13
Style: Jeans, T-shirt, combat boots or knee high boots. Rarely accessorizes. Always smells like vanilla and candy. Sometimes Roses and Cream if she wears perfume. Related to Marissa and Mr.Electricidad by cousin/uncle.

Plot: Raquel wants nothing more than to leave to her dream world. To escape the bullies, the pain of her parents death (now currently living with Marissa), and the loneliness she feels. Rosie wants nothing more than to find people who care for her, love her, and bring her fish! She wants to know where she belongs in, well... any world. She's confused. I guess that comes with being created as a dream by Raquel. They're both miserable and confused. When will they be happy?

{Raquel's POV}
"Please stop..."

"Why? Are you gonna cry for your mommy!?"

I started whimpering, wishing Angelina and her posse would just disappear. 'I wish I could disappear...' I thought again. They started laughing, slamming my shoulder one by one as they walked past. Angelina, shoving me the hardest, causing me to wobble off balance, almost falling. Luckily, I caught my balance. All of the sudden, Linus, the school bully (and perv if you ask me), and his crew ran by.

 All of the sudden, Linus, the school bully (and perv if you ask me), and his crew ran by

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"Who are they chasing... again?" I wondered aloud. Then it hit me. Literally. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!"

{Max's POV}

I was running away from Linus and his douchebag crew. I turned the corner and hid between a wall. They a ran past without a second glance. I slid out and started to run the opposite direction when,


"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" I said, realizing I was laying top of a girl I recognized. But I didn't quite know her name. Something with a R. I scrambled up, embarrassed. My cheeks had to have been red because they were getting hotter by the second. She simply smiled a closed-eyed smile and stood up. "No worries Max. It was an accident! Besides, Linus is a real pain in the ass anyways." I was a little taken aback because she didn't seem like the type of girl who would curse but then again, I cuss under my breath all the time so who am I to judge?

Suddenly, two voices rang out at the same time, "Hey, Short-Stuff/Dream Boy! I'm not done with you yet!!"

'Oh no, he found me...' I thought, miserably.

{Raquel's POV}
'Oh no, she came back!' I thought, cowering behind Max a little. Lucky for me, I'm short so it was pretty easy to hide behind him. Unlucky for me, that's why I'm teased. My height. I'm 4'10 in the end of 7th grade. It's just embarrassing. I'm shorter than most kids, no, I'm actually the shortest kid in the entire 7th to 8th grade. A teacher even mistook me to be in 6th grade. And then came the name calling. "What's wrong Dream Boy? Can't protect your girlfriend?!" Linus teased Max.

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