IT Prefrence (1) <2017>

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When You Go Badass Mode:
You killed IT. You were tired of that stupid clowns bullshit. You had already lost your mom to a car crash when you were six, your dad just downright hated you and eventually, died of lung cancer (he liked to smoke), and Pennywise had brutally murdered (ate) your little sister right in front of you. At this point, you were done with life and all of it's shit it had to offer.
You: Mike, give me the gun...
Mike: What?!
You: Give. Me. The. Fucking. Gun!!
He tossed you the gun and as soon as your finger touched the trigger, you aimed at Pennywise's head. "Wait, it's not loaded!" Mike shouted. The rest of the boys and Bev screamed your name in attempt to stop you but you didn't care at this point. "Well shit." You said and walked right up to the clown and bashed the bottom of the gun into it's head multiple times until...
You: S/N (sister's name)?
S/N: You did this, Y/N. I thought you loved me.
You: What...? I-
Richie: That's not your sister! Fucking kill it!
You: Bet! (😂I'm sorry)
You loaded the gun properly and shot the gun about ten times. It fliped over into a hole and whispered, "Fear." And dissapeared. "Yeah, well fuck you and your fear." You said giving it double middle fingers. You walked away and Richie pulled you into a tight hug. "And this is why I fucking love you."

You were always a very shy, timid girl. You hated socializing and were almost biased as a mute at the doctors office once until you said, "Hi..." You and the boys were walking across the bridge that connected to the barrens when you saw Belch Huggins car roll up. You grabbed Stan's arm lightly to get his attention and he looked up. "Um, guys? Henry's coming..." They stepped out of the car and striding towards us, Patrick Hockesetter with his makeshift torch, Henry Bowers with his knife, and you already know why you call Belch, "Belch." Afterwards, it was all just a blur but you remember Richie saying something to set him off and then, everything black.

You woke up to see everybody surrounding you while Eddie cleaned your eye. It stung causing you to wince in pain. "Sorry..." He mumbled. "For a girl, she's got more balls then all of us." Richie said. "What happened?" You asked. "Don't talk." Eddie bluntly said. "But-" you were cut off by him pecking you on the lips. "I said shut up." He said. You sighed and gave Richie the look. "Alright, alright. I don't know why in the hell you did it, but Henry grabbed Eddie and you punched Henry straight in the jaw. I think you broke it cause I heard a snap and- Anyways, he of course, punched back and he got you in the eye but you cursed him out and walked away. Well, you fainted before you got any further and well, we're back to the present now, aren't we?" Richie explained the entire story in a bad narrator accent. "Why would I do that...?" You quietly said. "You didn't have to take the punch for me. That was- *sigh* that was so so so so so stupid of you..." Eddie rambled. You rolled your eyes and touched the new bandage that was wrapped around your eye and your arm. "But I gotta say, that was pretty badass..." He said smiling. You giggled and shook your head. 'Now how did a mute like me end up with the best friends and boyfriend ever...?' You thought.

"Shut up, just shut the hell up, okay!?" You said, trying to avoid being told the truth about your feelings. The boys were trying to talk you into playing truth or dare and you were not having it because, you're not stupid. It was obvious what they were trying to do. You, personality wise, are a combination of all of the Losers Club's personalities. A trashmouth like Richie, you talk super fast like Eddie and hate seeing gross stuff, you have Beverley's confidence and looks, Stan's neatness, Mike's love for animals, and Ben's passion for reading, and you've experienced a loss like Bill. "C'mon, just do it! What've you got to lose? I've already lost something... *wiggles eyebrows*" Richie proudly boasts.

"Um, how about my dignity, dipshit?" You shot back. "Besides, I know you guys are just trying to set me up with Bill." "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?" They all said. "That is most definitely not true...!" Bev said, clearly holding in a smirk. "Yeah, yeah, and were totally not shipping you with him either even though it's obvious you like each other. I mean, I don't mind dating, I guess. But do you know how many diseases you can get, just by holding hands? My Aunt's sister's friends got polio, just by-" "Okay, Eddie, I get it! Damn..." You said, interrupting Eddie's ramble.

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