Why Did You Do It? (Sokka)

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Oof, okay trigger warning. (Lowkey, should start doing that before chapters start. HwH0opS!) Sexual assault is underway...
Okay enjoy! Lmfao😂

Name: Taylor Lakuse (la-kuu-say)
Age: 13
Style: She wears a lot of light colors. Thas all ima say... in other words, y'all gon hafta pick the clothes cuz I ain't really got a pic for this soo...

A.I: She likes the freedom she gets with the gaang and always tries to stay positive. Being a bloodbender is almost uncontrollable and to keep it safe, she has to be in good moods. No heavy amounts of sadness or anger. Katara is like a sister to her and she fell in love with Sokka a little after 3 days of meeting him. Is in need of a lot of protection though, due to either her being too dangerous or sometimes her bending just shuts down and then she's helpless. She loves to laugh and she wants to learn to defend herself other ways.

 She loves to laugh and she wants to learn to defend herself other ways

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Plot: She's got a not so good past. Her father was murdered by a firebender and her mother was so overprotective of her she was abusive. Like, she'd beat her to make sure she would stay out of trouble blah blah blah. She ran away with the gaang after meeting them in a forest. You told them your past including the shocking fact that...

You're a bloodbender.

And lucky you, they took you in.

{Taylor's POV}
We walked through a forest that was filled up with orange looking dirt and reddish, orange, and yellow leaves giving the place a forever Autumn feel. Hence it's name, the Red Forest. We had decided on walking instead of flying, due to the gaang not wanting us to get caught by the fire nation for the millionth time on what was supposed to be a short trip to the North Pole. Aang keeps stopping to look at shit...

Katara and Sokka had gotten into a fight about his... instincts?? I personally tuned it out while Aang just laughed, his normal, happy self. I just wanted to stay calm and relaxed. It's almost like I'm a hippy at some points, just without weed or the clothing. "Katara, chill. I'm sure Sokka knows what he's talking about..." I reasoned. But it seemed as fate wasn't in his or my favor as he pulled apart two bushes leading right into a fire nation camp. "My bad..." I said.


We turned to ran in the opposite direction but we got cornered. "Oh no..." I muttered. I guess something they did triggered my bending because I felt a surge of power rush through me to my hands. "Taylor! You'll be okay, you won't hurt anyone just stay calm..." Aang said as he got into a fighting stance. This is how this went down every time. A big surge of power, I start shaking, my eyes turn black as blood tears fall slowly down my face, and when I wake up back to normal, everyone I see as an enemy is dead. Their blood splattered everywhere. It gave me nightmares. Which is why my mom kept me hidden a lot...

The gaang have only seen it happen once and they swore to me it would never happen again. It happened two more times after while they weren't around. Afterwards, we all took a vow. I promised would try to control my bending and they promised they would do everything they could to stop it.

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