Your Crush x Reader

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Age 4:
"Y/N! Let's go! We're leaving!" Your mom shouted from the bottom of the steps that connected to your apartment door. You were playing happily with your favorite stuffed animal,

But immediately threw it across the room, and ran, almost tripping, down the stone steps towards your mother. You two walked and passed the parking lot, confusing your tiny brain. "Why aren't we getting in the car?" You asked almost immediately. "My friend that I was telling you about earlier, 'member? She lives just down there..." She responded, her voice like an angel while pointing down the sidewalk.

About another two minutes later, we were at the doorstep and your mom had just finished ringing the doorbell. It opened a minute later to reveal a woman, with (describe your crushes' mom). She smiled, hugged your mom and as soon as her eyes landed on your petite figure, her eyes lit up and she bent down to your level and squished your cheeks. "And who's this precious little cinnamon squish cutie right here!?" (IDEK😂😂😂) "This is my daughter, Y/N." She answered, laughing a bit.

"Well, thank God you brought her. I have a son her age. He's here right now but I swear to you, I was about to beat the crap out of him not 20 minutes ago. He needs to be kept occupied." She said, making both of them laugh until tears. "Oh, and I didn't have time to cook so I got McDonald's!" As soon as she uttered those words, you bolted into the house and sat at her table. "Spunky one, isn't she?" "Don't even ask me how I ended up creating THAT!"

They entered the house and sat down, talking and doing mom things, when you saw a boy your age walk down the steps with a confused look on his face. "Mom...?" He asked. "Oh! This is my friend, M/N (mom's name) and her daughter Y/N. He mouthed an 'Oh' and sat down next to you. He ate quietly and that bothered you. You liked talking and interacting with people, though you are a very strange child, you do have about two other friends and now, you wanted a third. You poked his cheeks about five times before he pushed your hand away and looked at you with a mouthful of food. "Hi! I'm Y/N! Also, can I have your Powerpuff Girl?"

"Um, C/N (crushes name). And yes. Also, can I have your Power Ranger?" He copied. You switched toys and began playing happily. Until...

"Powerpuff Girls can't marry Power Rangers! They're not even in the same universe!"

"So? They don't have to be! It's called imagination, genius...!"

You both argued until you were to tired to argue and fell asleep.

Age 6:
My mother looked over to me, worry written all over her face. But a smile and a nod, trying to hide it. A few more words were spoken between her and the man on the phone before she hung up.






I didn't get up for days. I didn't eat. Didn't sleep. Didn't even move for Sesame Street. I didn't even flinch when I heard C/N ask where I was and if I could come over and play games and watch TV. I just cried. Silently and endlessly. My father had died in a car crash and that's what that call on the phone was a few days ago. I heard noises outside my window but I didn't move. I heard knocking on my window. "Y/N, please open up. I heard what happened and I'm sorry but I miss playing with you! You can't stay there forever... Can you?" It was C/N. I poked my head out from under the blanket and it looked like he was floating in mid-air outside my window. I got up, almost tripping on myself since its been literally days since I've actually walked somewhere, and opened the window a bit. Enough to where I could hear without him shouting.

I found out he was standing on a ladder with a bunch of stools stacked up on one another and it was wobbling dangerously for my liking. "I heard about what happened. I'm really sorry. But I miss you a lot and I like playing with you! Even though you don't understand basic information about Hot Wheels..." I slightly smiled. I pulled him inside just as the stools were about to come crashing down and we landed on the floor. We sat up, stared at each other, and laughed. The first time I laughed in weeks...

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