Stranger Things Preference (1)

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When You Go Badass Mode:
-You snatched Momma Steve's bat and beat the shit out of a demodog because it bit you.
-"OW! You little-"
-Snatches Steve's bat.
-" DON'T TOUCH *slam* ME *slam* OR *slam* MY FRIENDS *slam* AGAIN!!!
-Mike stared in awe and said, "Holy crap.... *red face*"

-You stood up to Troy
-"Look what we have here... Toothless and his girlfriend, Ant Girl" (ya know, your short height...go with it)
-He kept bothering you with names and threats. You got fed up.
-"Hey, Troy?" He didn't turn around. "Can I have a kiss?"
-S H O 0 K asf Dustin
-Troy turns around
-To be met with a fist to the face
-O O F
-You and Dustin ran away laughing

-You and El didn't get along at first
-She threatened you a lot but you stood your ground
-One day, you did something that pissed her off and she threw you across the room
-The bois (especially Will) had a heart attack
-But momma (steve) didn't raise no pussy
-You lunged at her but Will got to you before you could reach her
-He calmed you down with kisses and soothing words
-Was also terrified of you, lowkey
-Facing off against Eleven was probably the most badass thing you could ever do. At least... without dying...

-Mike's cousin Richie came into town (yeah I'm aware of the time zones. Bite me)
-Needless to say, he was bad influence
-You showed up at Lucas' doorstep drunk as shit
-"Why... would you bring...your drunk my BLACK household...?"
-*giggles and hiccups*
-"My parents are going to MURDER ME. Do you understand!?"
-Aww, Lucas... *giggles more*
-Sneaks you in anyway
-Has to pay his sister 20$ so she doesn't tell
-Mike calls you on his walkie talkie the next morning
-"What the fuck happened to Richie!? I found him laying in a fucking Alley!"
-Dustin laughing his aSS 0FF IN thE bACkgRouD
-Lucas says your badass. Mostly because you were willing to take the risk of his parents catching you in the same bed with him, drunk, and not in the best clothing

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