Answer My Question (Walk The Prank) Herman

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More updates, yay!! Lol, summer's great and all but it gets really boring when you have nothing to do. Except write fanfic ofc😂

Name: Hailey. (Do they even have last names on the show?? Lma0)
Age: Same as Bailey and I'm guessing 14 sooo... she's 14. Everybody's 14.
Style: Big sweatshirts and jackets. She's constantly cold so she likes to wear stuff like that. It keeps her warm. She also make a them look good, somehow. She has an uncanny resemblance to Bailey but her hair his just a tad lighter and its straight. She's a really bubbly personality and she becomes friends with just about anyone. Idk what else to say about her, 00f. Just read ahead.

 Just read ahead

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A.I: I literally think there's nothing else to write about her.... lmA0

{Hailey's POV}
I walked upstairs to my room. We just came out to visit my cousin, Bailey and had rented a house. My room was awesome!!

I happily flopped on my bed wrapped a blanket around me. I opened my laptop only to be met with a Skype call from my twin cousin, Bailey. Yep, twin cousin. Born same day, same year, same time, different mothers. I answered and her face popped up on the screen. "Hey, Bails! I just got here and its so cool! Check out my room!" I said excitedly as I turned the laptop, showing my spacy room. "Wow... its bigger than mine... anyways, come to this address." She said, sending me a link.

H: Why?
B: I've got some friends I want you to meet. I'm sure they'll love you!
H: Oh, okay. I'll be there in a sec.

I hung up and clicked on the link. The place looked small, even a little run down but I trusted her. I ran to the garage and grabbed my bike, and peddled my way over there.

{Bailey's POV}
"Okay, guys. My cousin just came in town. Don't be wierd and freak her out." I said, immediately turning to the guys after the Skype call. "What does she look like?!" All the boys asked. They all had that, 'I'm gonna win her over' look in their eyes. "Out of all of you guys leagues." I quipped. They all calmed down a bit and got ready to start planning again when I said, "And we can't tell her we do pranks!" "What? Why?" Chance asked. "Well, she's not the type of person who enjoys watching others suffer..."

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