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With this theme, I'm just going to start doing x readers (like frfr) and if I do decide to do an OC I'll put it in the title. That is, ofc you specifically ask for a name.


Say I want to do an OC (Own Character) chapter.

Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead] x OC

That would be the title, obvs. Then the title of the story would be below it in bold/italics/underlined.

His Hat

Then I would give you the plot, like so.

Plot: Larissa (OC) steals his hat and now he's giving her the silent treatment because he's a lil punk. Lol.

Then I would start the story. All of the regular info like name, age, all that would be given in the actual story.

Okay, that's all. And I might be updating soon. Later✌

Also thanks for 3.08k. Y'all litty🔥

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