One More Update

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I'm sorry again if you thought this was a chapter. Who0pz! No, but seriously. So like, here's the dealio....

I over fucking estimated...

I have like, 5 fucking chapters to finish before I can continue normally so ima get those out as fast as fucking possible... My bad...

Anywhosers... how are y'all? I mean, I'm okay. Listening to Happy Hardcore is cool and so is being bored (Not really) but wanna know what is?

Y'all getting me to a whopping 1.29K like, bitch how tf? These aren't even all that good but I'm glad you guys are enjoying them! It makes me super happy when I get a notification from you guys commenting, asking for imagines, whatEVer! So yeah. I guess this a technically a thank you as well? Idk, but yeh...

Okay, bai bitches...

Omg xoxo luv y'all
Stay thottish
Jkjk (isn't that what the kids say nowadays? Lmao)

Edit: I made a new cover😆😆 here it is! I worked hard on it and I hope y'all like it!!😘

Edit: I made a new cover😆😆 here it is! I worked hard on it and I hope y'all like it!!😘

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It's really extra and aesthetic-y lmao

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