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Chapter Two

"You are the risk I'll always take."


SoYeon POV

"SoYeon are you sure you're gonna be fine?" ShinHye said as she linked her hand with HyunSik.

"I'm sure..." I replied her with a smile.

"But you are wearing a see through clothes." HyunSik said.

I told you not to wear a see through clothes for a thousand times

Jimin's speech suddenly pop out in my mind.

"I'm perfectly fine. No need to worry."

Soon they left me. It was almost sunset, I don't have anything to ride, there's no way I asked Jimin to pick me up, he would be mad if  I ask him to do that, so I decided to walked home.

"Hey pretty!" I ignored the strangers who were whistling to me.

"Hey,we have something to show you, come with us." One of them grabbed my wrist.

"No!" I threw his hand harshly and gave him a deathglare.

"Aww, look she's angry, how cute." I kept on walking but they kept on tracking me from behind.

"Got you!!" Another strangers stopped in front of me. They caged me. I was so scared, I was about to cry when someone shouted.

"Hey!!" I couldn't feel my legs, I fell down in someone's arms.

My vision were blurry but I managed to see who caught me when I was about to fall down before everything turns black.

Thank you Jimin


"Hyung, is she going to be alright?" I heard someone's voice.

"I don't know. Maybe." I could hear Jimin's voice clearly.

I opened my eyes slowly.

"Hyung she's awake!" I looked around and saw Jimin sitting on his couch focusing on his phone.

"Who are you?" I asked the guy who was sitting down next to my bed. Wait, this is not my bed, it's Jimin's bed.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." He smiled showing his cute bunny teeth.

"Guys, let's meet up tomorrow, Jimin needs to take care of his wife." Said the tallest man.

Soon they all went out from his room and left the house. Nothing came out from our mouth only an awkward atmosphere filled up the room.

"Did you understand now? Why I always told you not to wear a see through clothes?" Jimin gave me a death glare.

I looked down at the white blanket. I noticed something different. My clothes.

"Ya! Who changed my clothes?!" I let out a small screamed. He startled and almost dropped his phone.

"No need to scream pabo! No one changed your clothes." He groaned.

"Then why am I wearing an oversized white T-shirt?!" I pulled the blanket until it reached my neck to cover my whole body.

"I put it on you, I doubled your clothes. I hate to see you wearing a see through clothes. By the way, you should thank them, they saved you." Jimin sighed and put his phone on the nightstand next to his bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, while looking at his movement. He went to the bed and sleep beside me(?)

"Let me move to my own room." I was about to jumped from his bed when he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

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