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Chapter 15

"Should I just divorce with him?"


SoYeon POV

"Where the hell have you been?" he stared at me.

"I went to the airport and stop staring me like that." I tried to look somewhere else but his eyes were just too beautiful.

"What are you doing there?" he kept on staring me but this time his face got more closer than before.

"Why should I tell you? It's not your business anyway." I pushed his hand away and went upstairs.

"If he kept on doing like this, I won't be able to get rid of him. Oh God..." I throw my pillow. My phone vibrated on my pocket, I took it out and a bunch of messages popped up. It's from Taehyung.

Hey wanna grab a coffee tomorrow? -Tae

Sure, why not, I'll meet you at the park, 9 am sharp

The conversation ended within a minute, I decided to sleep like this, a messy hair, the clothes that I wore to the airport and shoes.


Sunlight strucked my eyes, I opened my eyes slowly and realize I was under my blanket. Wait. last night I wasn't inside the blanket I was outside, but who... Jimin's face popped out in my mind.

Tch, don't care

I went downstairs, I need to make breakfast before that cold hearted guy came down and start talking nonsense. I still got one hour before I meet Taehyung.

"SoYeon-ah, when is your graduation? I'm tired of seeing you waking up in the early morning and walked to your campus alone." Jimin asked as he ruffled his hair.

"Next week." Jimin's eyes widened. He quickly took his phone out and do something weird.

"You'll come right?" I asked as I turned my head toward him. He nodded his head slowly. "Here, go eat this one, I gotta go." I went to the door and went outside, leaving Jimin.

"Taehyung-ah! I waved at him and ran toward him."

"SHH, don't scream my name too loud, everyone will hear it." Taehyung's face showed me that he was panic?

"So what happen?" I asked. He showed me an article on his phone.



ARMY or BTS fans noticed there is a wedding ring on Jimin's ring finger. ARMYs claimed that he's secretly married to a woman, some ARMYs doesn't believe it and claimed that it was only an accessories that he usually wear. Everyone are waiting for the truth. WHO IS THAT WOMAN??


I was speechless, nothing could come out from my mouth. Taehyung sighed as he put back his phone on his pocket.

"You have to becareful from now on, now let's go grab some coffee." He smiled.

I followed him from behind, I just can't stop thinking about Jimin.

"What if his fans are disappointed with Jimin? What if his fans hate him because of me? What of his fans attacked me? What should I do? Should I just... divorce with him?"

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