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Chapter Seven

"No matter how many times I tried to get rid of you, I still can't"


SoYeon POV

I went upstairs and locked my door. I'm at the guest room, leaning my back against the door. My eyes were teary.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I have to get rid of this feelings." I sat down, hugging my knees, my tears started to burst.

"SoYeon!" I heard his voice outside my door. I hope he didn't hear me.

"SoYeon, answer me."


"I haven't done with you!"

"Stop ignoring or else you'll get punishment tonight!"

"You're really asking for it."

"Open the door or I'll break it."

I have no choice, I stood up and wiped my tears.

"What?!" I opened the door harshly, revealing Jimin standing with his back against his bedroom door in front of me, staring back at me as he put his hands on his pocket.

Hot. Wait what? No. No. No. SoYeon you have to get rid of that word from your mind.

"Are you crying?" He started to walked slowly toward me.


"Stop lying, your eyes were red." Jimin stopped in front of me, there's only an inch gap between our bodies.

He held my chin and raised my head slowly, he tried to make an eyecontact with me but I looked somewhere else.

"Look at me."

I ignored him.

"Look at me." He barely raised his voice.

"Look at me!" He raised his voice, making me flinch as I looked back at his cold eyes.

He released a sigh.

"I don't want to see you cry."

"That's it?"

Jimin nodded slowly.

I removed his hand and went back to my room. I was about to slam my door. Unfortunately, Jimin stopped me from slamming the door.

"Who ask you to close the door?" Jimin smirked.

"Me. Go away." I said coldly.


"Go away!"


"Go away!" He pushed the door hardly until it hit the wall and made a loud bang.

I was shocked. I froze in my own place, he took a step, I took a step back, that continues until my back hit the wall. He caged me inside his hand.

He leaned his face closer to mine. I tried not to make an eyecontact with him. Our face were only an inch gap.

"Jimin what are you doing?!" I asked with a frown on my face.

"Don't look at me like that." He said coldly.

"That's my line."

"I don't care."

"Tell me what you want?!"

"I want you."

"Stop it! I'm serious."

"Fine. I want to ask you. What happen to you, where the hell have you been, I was looking for you."

"Looking for me? Really? I saw you lying down on the couch watching something I can't guess. What a beautiful lie Jimin." I groaned.

"I was about to."


He leaned closer to my face. I closed one of my eyes. A smirked form on his lips.

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